
Opening a document in Word or Excel displays "Content presents a potential security issue" warning


When opening a Microsoft Excel or Word document for editing via OneDrive, the following warning is displayed:

  • This content presents a potential security issue. Do you trust this content?


The URL for OneDrive or SharePoint needs to be added to Trusted Sites in the Microsoft Internet Options.


To resolve the issue, you will need to do add OneDrive to your Trusted Sites. If you don't have access to this setting, you will need to request assistance from your System Administrator.

  1. In Windows, click the Start menu icon.

  2. Type Control Panel and open the Control Panel app.
  3. Click Internet Options.
    If Internet Options is not displayed, change the View by: to either Small or Large icons, or use the Search bar in the top right-hand corner and type "Internet Options".

  4. Click the Security tab.

  5. Click the Trusted sites green icon, and click Sites.
  6. Add https://{your-domain-name}.sharepoint.com (for SharePoint) or https://{your-domain-name}-my.sharepoint.com (for OneDrive)
    Note: If you're unsure, log into OneDrive online and check the URL displayed in the browser, or refer to your IT Admin.
  7. Click Add.

  8. Retry opening the document from FYI.
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