
Implementors: Refile Requests

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The Refile Requests function allows an FYI Implementor to display and filter the results of document refiles performed from Refile or Refile Advanced. Refer to Implementors: Refile Documents. Results will default to Active and Pending refiles and display in order of the date the refile has been executed.


Refile Requests can be used:

  • After a Refile has been performed to check the status of the refile is complete.
  • To filter by State of the refile, for example Pending or Cancelled.
  • Display both the Destination Cabinet and Categories and the Source Cabinet and Categories to cross-reference the refile performed.
  • Show the Refile count.
  • Replay refiles or cancel pending Refiles. Refer to Replaying Refiles or Cancelling Refiles.

Using the Refile Requests Function

  1. From FYI, click settings in the top right-hand corner.

  2. Select Practice Settings and then select Documents.

  3. Go to the Refile Requests tab.

Replaying Refiles

Users can select one or more refiles from the list and click Replay Refile. This is useful if you want to repeat a refile that you have done before for any new documents that meet the selected criteria and you use the same Refile options as before or make changes to these.

Replay Refile is only enabled if a refiling has been completed and is not pending or in progress.

  1. Select one or more refile rows from the list.
  2. Click Replay Refile.
  3. Refresh the screen by clicking the refresh button on the right-hand side to refresh the results.
    The new refile requested, will display as Pending.

When processing refile replays, the most recent request will appear at the top of the list, with subsequent requests displayed in chronological order below. Refile requests will be processed in the order the replay was made, with the earliest pending request being processed first.


Cancelling Refiles

Users can select one or more refiles from the list and click Cancel Refile. This is useful if have requested the refile accidentally.

Cancel Refile is only enabled if a refiling is Pending.

  1. Select one or more refile rows from the list.
  2. Click Cancel Refile.
  3. Refresh the screen by clicking the refresh button on the right-hand side to refresh the results.


Sorting and Filtering Refile Requests

You can sort and filter the information in the Refile Requests list.

When a sort order or filter has been applied to a column in the list, this is indicated in the column heading:

  • The up arrow or down arrow shows if a sort has been applied.
  • The Filter icon shows if a filter has been applied to a column.

In the following example, a Filter has been applied to the State column.



Sorting is available in relevant columns. By default, results will display in descending order of the date the refile has been executed, with the most recent displaying on the first line.

  1. Click the column heading to sort that column. This initially sorts that column in ascending order, indicated by the Up arrow.

  2. Click the column heading again to sort the column in descending order, indicated by the down arrow.

  3. To restore the original sort order, click the column heading one more time. The arrow will be removed.

  4. Sorting on columns only sorts on a single column at a time, the last one that was clicked. If you have sorted a column (ascending or descending) and then click to sort by a different column, this removes the prior sorting that was applied.

List results can only be sorted by a single column at a time, and are independent of the filtering. For example, if you filter by Date Created, and then sort using the Processed on, results will not be ordered by Processed on and then Date. It will be sorted based on Processed on only.


Filters can be applied:

  • From the Filters tab on the left-hand side.
  • From the Filters icon in the Column Heading for the relevant column.

As you make your selections, the list updates automatically to reflect the filters.

You can filter the list on a column even if that column is not currently displayed in the list.

Note: Filtering is not available where the filter icon is not displayed for a column.

When a column has been filtered, the Filter icon will be displayed in green.


Selecting Filters from the Filters tab

  1. Click the Filters tab on the left-hand side of the list to expand this. The width of this section of the lists can be dragged left or right.

    The Filters tab displays a list of all the columns that can be filtered. 

    The columns that are included in the current list are displayed in the Filters tab in alphabetic order.

    The Filter icon displays next to any columns that currently have a filter. In the following example, the view is filtered on State.

    At the top of the Filters tab, you can use the Search to find a column. Then click to expand the column you want to apply the filter to. 

  2. Click to expand the column that you want to apply a filter to.

  3. From the expanded column, click to select or de-select any of the values as required. Deselecting the (Select All) in a Filter, removes all the items in the Filter list so you can then select only the values you want.

  4. You can search for values in the Filters by entering the search text at the top of the expanded Filter.
    Enter the search text and press the Enter key.

  5. Click Reset in the expanded Filter to select all the values. This is the same as clicking Select All.

Selecting Filters from the Column Heading

  1. Click the Filters icon.

  2. The Filter options are displayed.


  3. The Filters option in the column heading displays the values for that column that can used as the filter. Click to select or deselect any of the values as required.

  4. You can use the Search at the top of the Filters to search for values.
    Enter the search text and press the Enter key.

  5. Click Reset in the expanded Filter to select all the values. This is the same as clicking Select All.
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