This example details how to set up a Custom Process to send a reminder Task to the partner to call the client if there has been no partner contact in 90 days.
The following is an example of the Task that is sent to the partner responsible for the client.
Watch the tutorial or follow the steps below to learn how to create a custom process for internal reminders to contact clients based on partner activity.
Summary of the Custom Processes that will be Set Up
This involves setting up the following custom processes:
"Last Activity by Partner - Update Client"
Automatically tracks the date that your partners last interacted with their clients. Using a document view to check when the last activity was, the Automation process then updates a Custom Field "Last Partner Activity" in the client record with that date. This date is then available in FYI and, for practices integrated with Xero Practice Manager, it also syncs to Xero Practice Manager.
"Last Partner Activity - Send Reminder"
Using a client view, this checks the date in the "Last Partner Activity" Custom Field for each client and automatically triggers a task as a reminder when a client has not been contacted in more than 90 days.
- There is also a one-off process that needs to run initially "Last Activity by Partner - Initial Update of Client". This adds today's date to all clients so that the date can start being updated on a daily basis.
Once the daily processes are set as active, it will take 90 days to build up the history of when the Partner last contacted the client. No Tasks will be sent as reminders during this time.
Creating Internal Reminder Process
Set up a Custom Field "Last Partner Activity"
This example uses a Custom Field called "Last Partner Activity."
If you do not already have this Custom Field set up, an FYI Admin will need to create this directly in FYI:
- In FYI, navigate to Practice Settings > General
- From the Custom Fields list, click Add.
- Enter the Custom Field Name "Last Partner Activity".
- Checkmark "Client" for where the Custom Field is Applied to.
- Select a Group from the drop-down.
This field will only be displayed if you have enabled Custom Field Grouping - Select Date as the Type. This determines how the value can be entered or selected when a user is updating the Custom Field.
- Click Save.
- The new Custom Field will be added to the bottom of the list. To change the order of the Custom Fields refer to Reordering Custom Fields.
For further information on creating and editing Custom Fields, including synchronisation with your preferred Practice Manager Source, refer to Managing Custom Fields.
Add a Custom Process to Run a One-Off Update of the Client's Last Partner Activity Custom Field
The Last Partner Activity field is initially blank for all clients. To start, you need to set up a process that is run once. This adds today's date to all clients so that the date can start being updated on a daily basis.
Note: This is a one-off process.
- Check that the "All Clients: view in the Clients list is set to display clients with the Status set to "Archive". This view will be used by this process.
- Go to Automation - Processes.
- Click Add Custom Process.
- Add the Name as something that makes it easy to identify in Automation - Processes.
In this example, the Name is set as " Last Activity by Partner - Initial Update of Client" - If required, add any additional description of the Process in the Description.
- Set the Trigger to “Manual”.
- Set the Filter as "Client - View" and select the "Active" view.
- Checkmark Run only once per Client.
- Set an appropriate team member as the Owner. This user will be notified if anything goes wrong with the automation process.
Add the Step to run the Initial Update of Last Partner Activity Date for all Clients
- Click Add Step.
- Select FYI Actions.
- Select Update Client.
Note: The fields available on the Update Client step will vary depending on whether FYI as Primary for Client Maintenance is enabled in your Practice Settings. Refer to Process Step Details - Creating and Updating Clients and Enabling FYI as Primary Source for Client Data. - Expand the Action section.
- Select “Last Partner Activity” from the Custom Field drop-down.
- The Last Partner Activity field will be displayed, and set to "Current Date" by default.
- Click Save.
- Test the process on a single Client.
- Check the results in the Client - Custom Fields tab for the test client. The "Last Partner Activity" date for that client should show as 'today's date'.
- When ready, set the Status of the Process to "Active" and click Run.
- Check the number of clients the process will run for.
- Click Run.
- When the process has finished, check the results in the Clients list by including the column "Last Partner Activity" and checking this is set to 'today's date' for all the active clients.
- Once the process is run, you can delete it so that it is not accidentally run again.
Create a Document View to find documents created or modified by the Partner "Yesterday"
The process will use a document view to track the date of the Last Partner Activity on each of your clients.
- In the Documents list display the "All" view.
- Add the following two columns to the view:
Modified on
Created by - Apply a filter to the Modified On column using the Relative Date field functionality and set this to "Yesterday”.
- Filter the Created by column to show only those team members who are “Partners” in your practice.
Save the view. In this example, the Document view is saved as "Partner Activity". Untick the Available For - List option so the view is available for Automations only.
Note: To reflect Partner Activity, this view should show all types of documents that any of the Partners have created or modified. It would not include Tasks. If you prefer, you can fine-tune this, for example, to exclude Spreadsheets, or to only check if there has been a Phone Call, File Note, Meeting record or email contact with the client.
Add the Custom Process to run the Daily Update of the Clients' Last Partner Activity Custom Field
- Go to Automation - Processes.
- Click Add Custom Process.
- Add the Name. In this example the Name is set as "Last Activity by Partner - Update Client".
- If required, add any additional description of the Process in the Description.
- The Trigger is set to “Schedule”.
- Then specify how frequently you want the ‘Last Partner Activity’ field updated after a partner interaction is recorded in FYI. This is set to run every day (Every 1 Day).
- Set the Filter as "Document - View", and select the view that was created, in this example, the view "Partner Activity".
- Make sure that Run only once per document is not selected. This ensures that if there is partner activity on an existing document this will be recorded as the latest activity. For example, if a Phone Call was created and then edited by the partner in a week's time (due to making another call) the "Last Partner Activity" date is based on that last change.
- As the process creates no documents, set Inherit Job as unticked.
- Set an appropriate team member as the Owner.
Add the Step to Update the Client
- Click Add Step.
- Select FYI Actions.
- Select Update Client.
Note: The fields available on the Update Client step will vary depending on whether FYI as Primary for Client Maintenance is enabled in your Practice Settings. Refer to Process Step Details - Creating and Updating Clients and Enabling FYI as Primary Source for Client Data. - Expand the Action section.
- Select “Last Partner Activity” from the custom field drop-down.
- "Current Date" will be selected for Last Partner Activity by default.
- Click Save.
Set the Status of the Process to "Active"
When you are ready, set the Status of the process to "Active".
Important Note: Be careful when setting an automation to "Active". Ensure you have tested it first. Refer to Testing Custom Processes.
This Custom Process will now run automatically every day and update the "Last Partner Activity" custom field for clients so that you can track this in FYI. For practices integrated with Xero Practice Manager, this can also be tracked directly inside of Xero Practice Manager.
Create the Client View used to Create the Reminder Task
The process uses a Client view to check which clients have had no activity from the Partner in the last 90 days.
- In the Client list display the All view.
- Add the Last Partner Activity column to the view.
- Apply a filter to the Last Partner Activity column using the Relative Date functionality and setting this as "Older Than 90 Days".
Save the view. In this example, the view is saved as "Partner Activity > 90 Days". Untick the Available For - List option so the view is available for Automations only.
The Client view would look similar to the following.
Add a Custom Process to Create the Task Reminder
- Go to Automation - Processes.
- Click Add Custom Process.
- Add the Name as something that makes it easy to identify in Automation - Processes.
In this example the Name is set as "Last Partner Activity - Send Reminder". - If required, add any additional description of the Process in the Description.
- The Trigger is set to “Schedule” and set as "Every 1 Day".
This will run after midnight every day. - Set the Filter as "Client - View", select the view that was created. In this example, the view is saved as "Partner Activity > 90 Days"
- Make sure that Run only once per document as unchecked.
The process is set up to send a Task when the Last Partner Activity date is more than 90 days. Once sent, if the partner contacts the client, and then in another 90 days if no further contact is made, this needs to send a task again. So it needs to be set without Run only once per document.
- Set an appropriate team member as the Owner.
Add the first Step to Delay the Process 1 Hour
Both processes are scheduled to run at the same time every day. So, this process needs to include a Delay step to delay it by 1 hour. This ensures the "Last Activity by Partner - Update Client" has updated the client with the latest activity date.
- Click Add Step.
- Select FYI Actions.
- Select Delay.
- Set the Delay as "1 Hour".
Add the Step to Create the Task
- Click Add Step.
- Select FYI Actions.
- Select Create Task.
- Expand the Task section.
- Add the Task details as in the screenshot below. Merge Fields can be added to relevant fields. Refer to Including Merge Fields in Automations.
Set the Status of the Process to "Active"
When you are ready, set the Status of the process to "Active".
Important Note: Be careful when setting an automation to "Active". Ensure you have tested it first. Refer to Testing Custom Processes.
Add a Step to Update the Last Partner Activity
When the Task is sent, the Filter in the process is set to not "Run only once per document". Therefore, this sends a new Task every day until the relevant Partner contacts the client (adds a document for the client).
If you want to avoid generating a task every day, you can add a second step to the "Last Partner Activity - Send Reminder" process to update the "Last Partner Activity" date on the client. Once the task has been created, this second step effectively sets the Task being created as an activity for the client and this will only update clients who have not had partner contact for more than 90 days.
The Update Client step is added in the same way as Step 2 and Step 4 above.
Important Note: If you include this step, you cannot reset the "Last Partner Activity" date.
To ensure this date reflects only partner activity, omit this step.