
"Unfileable attachment, upload via FYI web" when trying to view, file or open attached emails.

I have an email that has been filed, but when I try to view, file or open the attached emails I see one of the following messages in the Attachments section in the drawer:

  • Unfileable attachment, upload via FYI web
  • Safe Attachments Scan in Progress message

FYI cannot automatically file the email attachments. One example of such files is files with the extension .msg and this is due to the restrictions of Microsoft.

Files that cannot be auto-filed need to be filed manually. 

  1. From the email, save the attachment(s) to your computer.
  2. You can then import the attachments as separate documents, using drag and drop or import. Refer to Drag and Drop and Using OneDrive FYI - My Imports to Automatically Import to your In Tray.

Note: You cannot reply or forward an email that was imported as a .msg file format. If this is needed, you can convert the .msg to .eml and re-import it. Refer to "Error creating document. Oh no, we had a problem creating your document" or "Cannot carry out your request" when creating a document.

If relevant, refer also to Error "Unfileable attachment, upload via FYI web" and attachment is titled "ATP Scan In Progress".

Refer also to Filing Attachments that cannot be Auto-filed or Opened.


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