
"Microsoft Excel cannot access the file 'https://...."

When trying to edit an Office file in FYI I am getting the following error (for example, for an Excel file):

"Microsoft Excel cannot access the file 'https://...."

I can preview the file or export the document and then open it.

Refer also to In FYI "Sorry we couldn't find 'https://...." when opening documents for Edit in Desktop and for OneDrive Syncing.

This could be caused by one of the following:

  • The file name or path does not exist.
  • The file is being used by another program.
  • The workbook you are trying to save has the same as a currently open workbook.


  • Check the file name and path.
  • Check if the file is being used by another program.
  • Check if you currently have the file open.

If these are OK, there may be some background applications that need to be restarted. Please ask your IT administrator to check.


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