
General Troubleshooting - checking your Status page

The recommended first check when troubleshooting any issue with FYI is to check your Status page.

This is accessed from your My Settings. Refer to Status in Individual Settings and Status for how to access your My Settings.


The Status tab provides a snapshot summary of all critical dependencies and configurations for your login. You can access the Status tab yourself so you can self-diagnose and rectify issues where possible.

For each dependency or configuration (as shown in the Name column) that needs a Status, this shows an icon in either green, yellow, or red.

An exclamation mark will be displayed for configuration that requires a Value.

  • If any items are showing in the Status tab that show with a red tick or exclamation, then:
    • If Microsoft 365 shows as "Not Connected", then log out and log in again to FYI.
    • If Microsoft 365 is showing the incorrect email, log out of Microsoft 365, close the browser and then log in again.
      • If needed, use separate browser profiles. This is useful if you use more than one Microsoft 365 login (for example, one for business and one for personal). If you use Chrome, you can set up separate Chrome Profiles to easily access a separate Microsoft 365 account. Refer to How can I log in to multiple FYI accounts? 
    • If OneDrive does not show as "Business", then follow this Microsoft article regarding disconnecting two accounts using the same email address.
    • If Outlook FYI Drafts show as "Missing", then please contact the FYI Support Team
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