
Using the Document Drawer

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FYI holds information related to all types of documents in the Drawer.

Document Drawer

For Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents, the Drawer can be accessed from within FYI, and also from Outlook.

  • Whenever you select a document in a list in FYI, this displays the Drawer on the right-hand side.
  • To access the FYI Drawer from within Office, simply click on the FYI icon in your Office ribbon menu. The FYI Drawer displays on the right-hand side.
  • When creating a document in FYI, you add the document and filing details in the drawer. Refer to the section Creating Documents in FYI.

Refer to Displaying the Drawer in FYI, Outlook and Office.

Note: In Office, the FYI Drawer is used slightly differently to when used in FYI. It includes a Comments icon that is used to add and display Comments. Refer to Adding and Displaying Comments from Outlook or Office in Adding Comments and Notifying Team Members.

The Drawer gives a focused view of all the information, functions, and features that are available for that document.

The sections and options that are included in the Drawer, and how they are used, vary depending on the type of document and whether you are creating the document or looking at an existing one. There may also be different options available depending on the selections you have made (such as once a Client or Cabinet has been selected).

To expand a section, click the section heading or the down arrow in the heading.

Using the Drawer for a Filed Document

The following is an example of the Drawer that displays for a Word document that has been filed in FYI.


For a filed document, the drawer is where you can:

  • Change the Name of the document
  • Update Filing information
  • View or add Tasks related to the document
  • View the document Thread, if relevant
  • Display recent Activity related to the document
  • Access Recent Documents created for the client
  • Display and access previous Versions of the document
  • Display email addresses for People if the document has been emailed
  • Preview the document
  • Add Comments for your team
  • Initiate, view or change a Workflow related to the document
  • View or add Time information
  • Mark a document as Starred for easy access

Selecting Documents in the List

When the drawer is displayed for a document, you can select another document or email by clicking on it in the list. The drawer stays open and displays the details of the newly selected email/document.

  • If you have expanded a section in the drawer, the section stays expanded in the drawer for the newly selected email/document.
  • If you have displayed the Preview or Editor pane, this stays open for the newly selected email/document.
  • If you have displayed the Comments pane, this stays open for the newly selected email/document.
  • You can use the Back button in the drawer to re-display the previously displayed email/document. Refer below to Using the Back Button in the Drawer.

Document Name

For an existing document, the Name displays at the top of the drawer. This identifies the document internally and is the name that displays in the lists in FYI.

To change the Name, click the Name field, make the change and click the Tick icon to save the change (or click the icon to not save the change).


Document Properties

When the Drawer is displayed for a document, it will include Document Properties at the top of the drawer. The properties identify recent changes and manage metadata such as the document reference number.

The Document Properties displayed vary depending on the type of document selected and the recent interactions with the document.

  • Reference: every document has a unique reference number. Refer to Unique Document Reference Number.
  • Filing changed by: displays the user who changed the original filing details. 
  • Created by: this refers to the user who created the document. A document created by 'System' indicates the document was created by an Automation Process or App.
  • Last saved by: this refers to the user who last saved the document.
  • Filed from: this displays a link to the original document from which the Filing Defaults were autofiled. For example, if an attachment to an email is autofiled, the "Filed from" will display a link to the corresponding email.
  • Addressee was: displays the original client the document was filed to, when a user changes the Addressee. Refer to Change Addressee section of Creating Word Documents from FYI for further information. 

For more detailed information on the updates made to the filing of a document, refer to the Activity section of the drawer. Refer to the section Activity in this article.

Filing Section

The Filing section of the Drawer displays filing information for the selected document. You can add or change this information to re-file it in FYI.


Client - For an existing document you can change the Client by typing over the existing client and selecting the new Client. Type at least three characters of the client name to display all clients containing those characters, then click to select the required client. Refer also to Selecting a Client in the Filing Details and Refreshing the Clients.

When creating a document in FYI (with the + button in the menu bar), once the client has been selected, the fields that display depend on whether the client has Filing Defaults set for Cabinet and Category, or if you have a Filing Defaults Cabinet selected, or if there are Filing Defaults set at the Practice level. If a template is selected, the Cabinet and Categories may change depending on whether Filing Defaults have been set up for the template.  Refer to Setting Defaults and Filing Defaults for your own Login - My Settings, Setting Filing Defaults for a Client, Email AutoFile Settings Exclusions and Practice Filing Defaults and Creating Templates for Word, Excel or PowerPoint.

Cabinet - As relevant, select the Cabinet or change the default that has been added.

When the Client and Cabinet have been selected, further defaults and options display. For example, some or all of the following will display, depending on the Client and Cabinet selected.

  • Job - If Jobs are enabled for the selected Cabinet, this may indicate a Job for the client. Refer to the section Jobs and Setting Up Jobs in FYI.
  • Categories - the filing Category/Categories for the document, such as Year and Work Type.
    The Category options that are available are filtered according to the Cabinet selected (refer to Conditional/Filtered Categories in Managing Categories). The Category selected controls the options that can be selected and the order in which these display in the drawer.
  • Tags and Keywords- If the selected Cabinet has been enabled for this feature, you can create or select Tags and/or enter one or more Keywords to use as additional categorisation and to use when searching for the document. Refer to Tags and Keywords.

If the Cabinet is changed, the fields will be refreshed and you will need to re-select the filing options for the document.

Other Sections in the Drawer

When opening an existing document, the rest of the information displays in sections in the drawer as detailed below.


Threads are more commonly used for emails. But the document will also be shown as part of a thread (such as a Web Link), these documents display in the Thread section. Refer to Managing Email Threads.



If any tasks have been created for that document, they are listed in the Tasks section. You can also add a new task from this section. Refer to Displaying Tasks from an Email or Document and Adding a Task to an Email or Document.


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The Time section shows any Time that has been recorded for the document. You can add Time that relates to the document by clicking Add Time. Refer to Time Overview.

For practices on the Elite plan, to start an active Timer for the Email click Add Time and then Start Timer. Refer to Creating Time using the Timer


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The Workflow functions in FYI allow documents to be managed through their life-cycle. Refer to the section Workflow.



The Activity section shows the automatic log of all major events that have occurred on the document including when it was created, any modifications, edits, etc. The Activity includes the date and time of the activity and the name of the user who completed it. Activity will be displayed for all users, not just the current user viewing the Document Drawer.


When a document has been auto-filed, the Activity section includes details of this and shows how any Filing Defaults were applied. In the following example, the document was an attachment to an email that was auto-filed. The Activity section shows that the document was sent to the In Tray and then filed.


Recent Documents

The Recent Documents section in the Drawer is a list of the 10 most recent emails and documents created for the client. You can click on an email or document in the Recent Document section to open it.



Where a document has been edited and saved, the Versions section shows the date and time of the current and the previous versions.


From the Versions section you can read or delete an older version of the document. You can also set an older version as the current or save the document as a new version. Refer to Version History and Creating a New Document Version.


If the document has been sent out by email, or received as an attachment to an email, the People section displays the email addresses of People included in the From: To: and Cc: of the email.



The Upload section can be used to upload a new version of the document. For example, if the document has been exported and changed outside of FYI and then you need to upload the new version to the document in FYI. Refer to Uploading a New Version of a Document.


You can display a snapshot of the contents of a document by clicking the Preview tab on the side of the Drawer. Refer to Previewing a Document.


Comments can be added to a document by any team member. These can be used to add any notes and also allow team members to collaborate on a document. Refer to Adding Comments and Notifying Team Members.

Using the Tools at the Top of the Drawer

At the top of the Drawer are the tools Add Task, Add Time, Starred, Support Request and Copy Doc Link.


  • Click the Add Task icon to add a new Task for the selected document. For emails, this is only available if the email has been filed in FYI. Refer to Adding a Task to an Email or Document.
  • Click the Add Time icon to add Time information. Refer to Time Overview.
  • You can mark a document as Starred, or Unstarred with the Starred icon in the Drawer. This allows you to mark specific documents that you personally want to be able to access easily. Refer to Marking and Displaying Starred Documents.
  • Click the Support Request icon to send a Support Request that automatically adds a link to the relevant document so that FYI Support have access to the area on which you are requesting support. Refer to Sending a Support Request.
  • Click Copy Doc Link to create a Doc Link to the document and send this to any internal team member. Refer to Copying, or Inserting, and Opening a Document Link
    Note: The Copy Doc Link in the drawer copies the link so the document is opened as a Preview.

Using the Back Button in the Drawer

When the drawer is displayed for a document, you can select another document or email by clicking on it in the list and this leaves the drawer open with the details of the newly selected email/document.

At the top of the document drawer the Back button can be used to re-display in turn the previously selected email or document in that list.

The history of which emails/documents are displayed with the Back button is held until the drawer is closed.


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