
How do I check if I am logged into Microsoft 365 on my desktop?

Use the following to check if you have logged into Microsoft 365 on your desktop.

From Office for Desktop

  1. If do not already have an Office file open (such as a Word document, an Excel spreadsheet or an Outlook email), open Word, Excel or Outlook on your desktop. Open an existing file/email, or create a new one.

  2. For Word or Excel, select File - Account.
    For Outlook, select File -
    Office Account.

  3. Check what is displayed under your User Information

  • If you are already signed in, you will see the Sign Out link.
  • If you are not already signed in you will see the Sign In link. 

To Sign in

  1. Click the Sign In link.

  2. In the Sign in pop-up, type the email address and password you use with Office. This would be your FYI account associated with Office.



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