How can I edit Office documents without using OneDrive?
If there is an Integration Issue with Microsoft OneDrive you will see an error message such as "We encountered an error opening your document".
To edit the Office documents without using OneDrive, FYI suggests the following workaround:
Use the Export function to save the document locally. Refer to Exporting Documents.
The document will be downloaded to your computer where you can view or make changes if required.
To upload changes, drag and drop into the Upload section of the FYI drawer of the document. Refer to Uploading a New Version of a Document. The Upload section is only available if the document is not currently checked out.
Please note the following important warnings:
This manual approach to exporting documents overrides the exclusive editing feature of FYI.
There is a risk, that if two or more users are making changes at the same time, changes may be lost although the uploads are automatically versioned.