
What data is migrated into FYI?

The following table indicates the data we can extract from your legacy system and migrate across to FYI.

Data migrated to FYI (HC image).gif

Please be aware of the following:

  • Emails:
    • Emails migrated to FYI will maintain any attachments within the email itself. Emails migrated from legacy systems other than MYOB or performing an FYI to FYI migration, will not display the paperclip icon in the list view.  Attachments can still be accessed by exporting the migrated email. Refer to Exporting Documents.
    • Emails must be in either .eml or .msg file format to be accessible in FYI post migration.
    • You cannot reply or forward an email that was imported as a .msg file format. If this is needed, you can convert the .msg to .eml and re-import it. Refer to "Error creating document. Oh no, we had a problem creating your document".
    • Content Search is not available for emails that have been imported as part of the Migration, or added to FYI using Drag and Drop. Refer to Search within Emails, Phone Calls, File Notes and Meetings Content.
    • Emails migrated from legacy systems other than FYI or metadata migrations, the To, From and CC columns in the Document list view will not populate with information from a migrated email.
  • Hyperlinks: Hyperlinks to external documents may break on import to FYI if the original document no longer exists in the hyperlinked location.
  • File extension: As long as the file extension is a type that can be imported to FYI, the software used to open the file on a computer is irrelevant e.g. PDF files can be opened in a browser, or Adobe Acrobat.
  • MYOB:
    • Emails migrated from MYOB will show the paperclip icon mceclip1.png next to any migrated emails that contain attachments.
    • For File Notes, all document types of ‘MYOB File Note’ are migrated.
    • Keywords are migrated to FYI. 
    • Contact Notes will be migrated to FYI as File Notes.
    • The Workflow status will be migrated, not the document Owner or Approver.
    • Documents stored in either the MYOB Intranet or MYOB Portal will not be included in the migration to FYI. If you would like these migrated to FYI, you will need to engage MYOB to export the documents into a folder structure, and a folder migration can then be performed.  Documents signed from the MYOB Portal will not retain the 'Signed' workflow status during the export and migration.
  • Virtual Cabinet:
    • The cabinets and related categories and sub-categories migrate to FYI. These are used for the document refiling. We cannot guarantee all options will migrate, it is dependent on the configuration of your Virtual Cabinet. 
    • Tasks, including Audit History and Process History, assigned to documents will not migrate to FYI.
    • Documents in the Virtual Cabinet In Tray are not included in the backup and will need to be filed. Please see the Virtual Cabinet section below for options on migrating these documents to FYI.
    • Matters are not synchronised from Virtual Cabinet but can be synchronised from APS if the APS integration is connected. Refer to Synchronising Clients and Users with APS (Australia & New Zealand only)
  • HandiSoft Portal: The Client Portal folder is regarded as a transport folder for uploading and downloading documents. Document will only migrate from this folder if they are visible in the DocBase Windows Explorer location. 
  • HandiSoft Client Notes and Client Events: HandiSoft documents are migrated from the DocBase Windows Explorer location. As this location does not contain the client notes, they will not be migrated to FYI. To import notes from HandiSoft you can use the Generic Practice Sync – File Notes import.
  • CCH Acclipse: Emails migrated from CCH Acclipse will need to be converted to .msg files before migrating to FYI, refer to CCH Acclipse Emails.
  • CCH (United Kingdom only):
    • In CCH the email displays a paperclip in the 'HasAttachments' field but only contains a small image file, such as an email signature. This will display the attachment icon in FYI but the attachment will not migrate.
    • If a document has been filed to multiple clients in CCH, the document is created for the first client and weblinks are created for each of the additional clients in FYI. These weblinks point to the original document in FYI. The 'first client' is the first record in the DocumentContact database that our migration app locates.
    • Jobs are not synchronised from CCH but can be synchronised from CCH Central if the CCH Central integration is connected. Refer to Synchronising Clients, Users and Jobs with CCH Central (United Kingdom only)
  • Iris: Emails migrated from Iris will show the paperclip icon mceclip1.png next to any migrated emails that contain attachments.
  • OfficeTech: OfficeTech stores metadata in files with an extension .TSSMeta. These files are unusable in FYI and therefore are excluded from the migration process.
  • Database systems 'Sent-on': FYI will not migrate sent-on or sent-by details to FYI.
  • Database systems 'Modified By': FYI will attempt to match user email addresses from the legacy system to FYI on import. If there is no match "System" will be assigned as the last modified by.
  • Database systems VersionsFYI will migrate the latest version of each document at the time of migration. Whilst the FYI Migrate App is running, additional versions will be migrated and threaded. This does exclude emails, all emails in a thread will be migrated.
  • Migrated Years and other periods. FYI will automatically assign migrated documents to the category "Year" where the migrated year format matches a known FYI format. Refer to Matching on Year in Implementors: Live Import. If the migrated year format is not a match, the Year will not populate during document migration. FYI does not refile to other periods such as quarters or months. 

Note: For anything else not specifically outlined above, FYI does not guarantee the data will be migrated.

Data that is Excluded

Files equal to or greater than 2 gigabytes in size will be excluded.

Document Migration for Folder Based Systems

The standard list of file types excluded in a folder based system migration is as follows. These exclusions have been defined based on feedback received during previous data migrations.

  • *.hsv

  • *.del

  • thumbs.db

  • ~*  Files where the file name begins with a tilda (~).
  • ._ Temporary files
  • *.DS_Store
  • desktop.ini
  • .StatusCache\*
  • All google document file types (*.gdoc, *.gsheet, *.gslides, *.gdraw, *.gtable, *.gforms). It is the practice's responsibility to convert these file types prior to migration starting if they are to migrate to FYI. 
  • Files without file names or file types are excluded.
  • Files where the file name starts with .azDownload

Note: If you want to exclude files from the document migration, the files need to be removed from the source location prior to running the migration to FYI.

Document Migration for Databases

The document migration for databases (MYOB, VirtualCabinet, IRIS, etc) will migrate all valid documents, regardless of the actual filename or file extension of the file.


If no logical date can be determined from the metadata during migration for created and modified dates, these are set as the date the document is migrated to FYI. 

CCH Acclipse Emails

CCH Acclipse stores saved emails with a file extension of .url These files will import, but are not useable in FYI once CCH is decommissioned.

In order to successfully migrate your historical emails from CCH to FYI they should be converted to .msg files. 

This conversion will need to be discussed directly with CCH. The .url file needs to be replaced with an identical .msg file and matching metadata, for example, date modified and date created.

After this conversion has taken place, the FYI Migrate App can then be started.

Virtual Cabinet

In Tray documents in Virtual Cabinet are not present in the Virtual Cabinet backup. To migrate these documents to FYI, the following options are available:

File to a Cabinet in Virtual Cabinet and Migrate

File the documents in the In Tray to a Cabinet within Virtual Cabinet. The FYI Migrate App for Virtual Cabinet will recognise these new documents and will migrate them to FYI.

Export from Virtual Cabinet and Import into FYI

Once the In Tray Documents have been identified (this can be done by each user), they can be exported from Virtual Cabinet manually and imported into FYI.

FYI offers a range of import methods, click on the links below for more detail.

HowNow X or HowNow Online

Practices using HowNow X or HowNow Online will need to contact the software provider to arrange the export of their files. The export files will then need to be saved locally by the practice for the Migrate App to sync from. This will be a point-in-time migration, meaning that once the files are exported, users will no longer be able to create or modify documents in HowNow X or HowNow Online

Important Note: Ensure that there is sufficient space on the machine that the exported documents will be stored on. Refer to Technical Requirements.


Practices using Nimbus will need to ensure their documents are accessible locally for the Migrate App to sync from.  This can be done by syncing their files through AutoMate with the assistance of your IT provider.  AutoMate is a solution provided by Nimbus directly.  We recommend contacting Nimbus promptly, to ensure time to install.  Refer to https://www.nimbusportals.com/contact-us/contact-support/ 

Important Note: Ensure that there is sufficient space on the machine that the documents will be stored on. Refer to Technical Requirements.

Bespoke Data Extraction

If you require extraction of data from a system that is not outlined above, we suggest engaging third-party experts to assist. This may include M-Files and public folders in Exchange Server.

In some cases (the minority) FYI may be able to assist with bespoke data extraction. Please note that where it is possible, it will incur an additional fee.

Please get in touch with our Sales team to discuss this in more detail. Click here to book your Discovery Meeting. 

Bespoke Data Migration

Should your practice be using a document management solution that falls outside the list of those our migration tool can migrate from, we may be able to provide an alternative solution. Your practice or IT team would be required to populate a metadata file to be used during the migration.

Please contact your FYI New Business Manager or Onboarding Consultant to discuss this in more detail.

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