
Investigate Issues with Opening or Editing Documents in FYI by Testing OneDrive

If you experience a problem opening or editing a document in FYI, it is best to see if the issue relates to FYI or your IT environment. Once you have determined the source of the issue, you will be able to continue troubleshooting the issue further.

You should first check your Status Page to make sure there are no issues with your account. Once you have confirmed there are no issues there, you can proceed with the instructions below to determine if the issue is related to Microsoft.

  1. Visit office.com.

  2. Click the Apps menu option from the sidebar.
  3. Select OneDrive from the Apps list.
  4. Add a new document e.g. Word document.

If you're able to create a document successfully, test FYI again to check if the issue has been resolved.

If you still have the same issues, then it is likely the problem you are encountering is related to your OneDrive or Microsoft 365 setup. Please refer to Microsoft's support page for further assistance. 

If you do not experience the same issues please do the following:

  1. Follow the instructions in the article FYI is slow or does not load documents
  2. Review the Troubleshooting section of our Documents category; we have an extensive list of articles that may assist in resolving your issue
  3. If you're unable to find a solution, please contact our support team
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