
Documents are not syncing or do not automatically import from my OneDrive FYI - My Imports


Documents have not synchronised into FYI. Additionally, the following may be occurring:

  • There are files in the OneDrive FYI - My Imports folder, but OneDrive seems to be stuck and is continually syncing trying to add the files into FYI.

  • Symptoms can include the desktop OneDrive icon (the cloud) displaying as constantly processing in the system tray of your desktop.

For information on FYI - My Imports, refer to Using OneDrive FYI - My Imports to Automatically Import to your In Tray.


  • This could be caused if you are trying to import a very large document, a very large number of documents or if other members of the team are syncing using the same shared OneDrive.

    Note: There is a file size limit of 500 MB for a file that can be imported via your FYI - My Imports folder.

  • This may be caused by a password change in Microsoft 365.


Restart OneDrive

OneDrive is not FYI technology, but the issue can be solved by closing OneDrive and reopening it.

  1. Select the OneDrive icon in the Windows taskbar notification area (in the bottom right-hand corner).


  2. Click Help & Settings and select Close OneDrive.

  3. Reopen OneDrive by searching for "OneDrive" in the Windows search.

  4. Then select and reopen the OneDrive app by clicking it.

Check if OneDrive is permanently synchronising

You also need to check if OneDrive is often or permanently syncing and check if it is up-to-date. Refer to How to check if the OneDrive is permanently or often syncing.

Reduce the Size of the Documents

There is a file size limit of 500 MB for a file that can be imported into FYI.

You will need to reduce the size of the files to be imported by either adjusting the content or "zipping" the file in Windows to reduce the size before importing the file into FYI. Refer to the Microsoft article Zip and unzip files.

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