
Jobs Overview

Jobs are used to record the time and costs of a project.

FYI emails, documents and tasks can be filed against the relevant job name. This allows documents to be filed dynamically depending on the sophistication of your client and the range of jobs.

Jobs are dynamically retrieved where relevant from your practice management software.

For practices integrated with Xero Practice Manager, you can enable Jobs as a filing Category within any Cabinet. Jobs are automatically synchronised with Xero Practice Manager during the synchronisation performed overnight. Manual synchronisation can also be done by any user from the Jobs List by clicking the Sync button; this will only sync the jobs. Additionally, if a change is made to the State of a Job within FYI, this is automatically updated to the job in Xero Practice Manager as part of the synchronisation.

How you use the Cabinets and jobs is the choice of your own practice. When enabled in FYI, jobs offer an alternate way to file information and provide another option for how you access information.

You still have the ability to look at information by other categories (such as work type and year), but you have the additional ability to see information by job. As well as filing documents by standard jobs (such as Compliance for a year) this also gives you the flexibility to file information against any special jobs.

There are different ways in which you can set up how jobs are used. For example,

  • You could set up a specific Cabinet with Jobs as the primary filing category, so all filing in that Cabinet is job-based. This ensures that all documents filed in that Cabinet have a job recorded against them. 
  • Then you could have a separate Cabinet that is used for filing any documents which do not have a job associated with them, such as internal or administrative documents.

Setting up and Using Jobs

The following is a summary of how jobs are set up and how they are used.

Enabling Jobs

  • To enable Jobs in FYI, an FYI Admin sets any relevant Cabinets with Enable Job set "On". The Job field is then displayed as an additional category within the filing details for documents, emails and tasks.
  • You can set your Practice Settings so that when documents are filed and when creating a Time entry, this can be either for a Job for the specific client or for a job that exists for any of the clients within the Client Group. Refer to Show Jobs by Client in Managing Practice Settings for Jobs.

Displaying Jobs

  • When you click the Jobs menu option, this displays the Jobs List with a list of all jobs, across the entire practice.
  • You can also display the jobs for a specific client and a Client Group, from the Client - Jobs tab. When Show jobs by client is ticked in the Practice Settings, only the jobs for the specific client are included.
  • From the Jobs List, or from the Client - Jobs tab, you can display the Jobs as a Board. Refer to Using the Jobs Board. When Show jobs by client is ticked in the Practice Settings, only the jobs for the specific client are included.

Filing against a Job

  • When a document, email, or task is filed, the Job can be selected manually, in the same way as other Categories.
  • If required, set a Cabinet and default Job for clients in the Filing Defaults. The selected Job then displays when filing documents for that client.
  • When documents or emails are auto-filed, if a default job is held for the client, this will be applied by the auto-filing.
  • The Jobs column on the Documents or Tasks lists displays the job that emails/documents or tasks that have been filed under.

Updating Jobs in FYI

Jobs can be updated in FYI from the Job drawer, using Bulk Update and from the Job Workspace. Refer to Using the Drawer, Jobs Bulk Update and Job Summary.

All users can update the Job State and Cabinet. For practices integrated with Xero Practice Manager only, FYI Admins and users in a User Group that has Permissions enabled for Edit Jobs can update the Job Category, Partner, Manager, Name, Budget, Start Date and Due Date from the Job drawer. Changes will be synced to Xero Practice Manager. 

Once a job is created, the Client cannot be updated. If required, a new Job can be created for the correct client and any associated documents and/ or tasks can be moved using Bulk Updating of Filing details. Note that if any comments were associated, these would need to be duplicated on the new job.

Note: Jobs waiting to be synchronised with Xero Practice Manager will be marked with a 'Pending Sync' tag, displayed next to the Job Name on the Job - Summary tab. The Pending Sync status prevents updates from being overwritten by changes made in Xero Practice Manager, either by an automatic sync or if the Sync from PM button in FYI is clicked. Once the updates have synced to Xero Practice Manager, the tag will be cleared.

When a Job is marked as Pending Sync, custom field changes made in XPM will not be synchronised.

Job Cabinet

If your practice has Job Cabinet Security enabled in your Practice Settings, you can select a Cabinet for any relevant Jobs. As well as giving additional information about Jobs, this allows Cabinet Security to be set on any relevant Jobs. Users only have access to those Jobs for the Cabinets to which they have been given access via the User Group. Refer to Managing Practice Settings for Documents and Managing User Groups.

The Cabinet can be updated in a Job from the Job Drawer or Job - Summary tab, or updated with the Update Job step in an Automation Process. It can also be selected in the Create Job or with the Create Job step in a Process. Refer to Job Cabinet in Using the Job Drawer, Job Summary, Create Job in FYI and Create Job and Update Job in Process Step Details - Creating and Updating Jobs.

Jobs and Time

  • Jobs, and the Tasks that have been set for a Job, are used when entering Time information.
    For practices integrated with Xero Practice Manager, Time entries are synchronised to Xero Practice Manager. Refer to Time Overview.

Refer also to the section Jobs and Setting Up Jobs in FYI and the section Working with Jobs.

Inactive Jobs and Syncing with FYI

At the time of your FYI trial creation

For practices integrated with Xero Practice Manager:

  • FYI will bring in only your active Xero Practice Manager jobs.
  • Any historical jobs will not be imported into FYI when you create your trial. If you need to bring any inactive jobs into FYI, you should first change the job to an activate state in Xero Practice Manager. Wait for at least 24 hours for the job to sync to FYI, then change the job to an inactive state in FYI. The state will be updated in Xero Practice Manager.

Following your trial creation

For practices integrated with Xero Practice Manager:

  • Any job that is inactive in Xero Practice Manager, will be picked up by FYI and marked as inactive in FYI.
  • After the initial migration of data, any jobs that are completed/closed in Xero Practice Manager will be picked up by FYI and marked as inactive in FYI.

    If the "State Type" of a job is changed in Xero Practice Manager to "On Hold", "Completed" or "Cancelled", the job stops being synced in FYI. If you make any changes in Xero Practice Manager, such as to the Job Name or the due date, and the job is not current in Xero Practice Manager (that is where the "State Type" is not "Standard"), this update will not be changed in FYI. Where changes are required for a completed job, change the state in Xero Practice Manager so it is not completed and make the change, sync it to FYI then set it back to completed. 

Billing and Workflow Job Auto update of Completed, Cancelled and Archived Job States 3345_Elite_plan_Swish.png

For practices on the FYI Elite plan, when a Billing Job is updated to a Job State Type of Completed, Cancelled, or Archived, the associated Workflow Jobs will also be updated to a matching status. For example, if a Billing Job is marked as completed, all Workflow Jobs will also be completed. 

Workflow Jobs can be manually updated to a different status if required.

To view a list of Job States with a Type of Completed, Cancelled, or Archived, refer to Managing Job States.

When a Job is automatically completed, an entry will be made on the Job - Activity tab. Refer to Job Activity.

Creating Jobs in FYI

You can create Jobs in FYI using the Create Job function or with a Custom Process in the Automations.

For practices integrated with Xero Practice Manager, Jobs created in FYI are synced to Xero Practice Manager. Refer to Create Job in FYI, Setting up Custom Processes and to Process Step Details - Creating and Updating Jobs.

Once a job is created, you can use Bulk Update to change various settings such as the State, Manager or Partner, or use the Update Job step in a Process. Refer to Jobs Bulk Update and Update Job in Process Step Details - Creating and Updating Jobs.

Deleting Jobs

Jobs cannot be deleted from FYI, and will need to be deleted from your integrated Practice Management system, for example, Xero Practice Management. The job will be removed from FYI during the next synchronisation.

For detailed information on synchronisation frequency or running a manual sync, refer to your Practice Management integration articles in the section Apps and Integrations.

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