
Managing Cabinets

Cabinets are used to store documents within the practice and reflect the broad divisions of operations in the practice. Cabinets also control the security (via User Groups) that determine which users can access which documents.

Overview of Cabinets

Categories within Cabinets

Cabinets also hold the Categories that can be selected within that Cabinet. Categories hold values that are selected as part of the filing fields in documents. This also controls the order in which they are displayed in the drop-down in the filing details and in the Cabinet Explorer tab.

Selecting a value for each of the Categories will either be mandatory or optional, depending on how the Cabinet is set up. To add or change Categories, refer to Managing Categories.

Security via User Groups

The security that controls which users can access which documents in FYI is set up for the Cabinets via the User Groups. Refer also to Managing User Groups.

Including a Cabinet in Knowledge

You can also set a Cabinet so it is included as a tab in the Knowledge Cabinets. Refer to Using Knowledge Cabinets.


Templates Cabinet

A Templates Cabinet is automatically added to the practice's Cabinets and contains all Templates, Word Stationery and Email Signatures. All users have access to the Templates Cabinet but it is only available when creating or editing Templates. Refer to Creating Templates for Word, Spreadsheet or Presentation and  Creating Email Templates and Signatures.

You can add Categories to the Templates Cabinet to further categorise the Templates, Stationery and Signatures. For example, you could add a Category such as "Team" (to indicate who would use them) and the Category "Work Type" (to indicate when they would be used). Refer to Managing Categories.

Note: The Templates Cabinet cannot be deleted.

Employees Cabinet 3345_Elite_plan_Swish.png

The Employees Cabinet is only available for practices using the Elite Plan. Refer to Changing your Plan or your Billing Details

The Employees Cabinet is used to manage documents related to Employees, for example, Contracts or Performance Reviews.

Access to this cabinet is restricted to users with Employee Management access, or those with Employee Access (they will only be able to see details of the employees they manage). Refer to Managing User Groups

Note: The Employees Cabinet cannot be deleted.

Displaying the Cabinets

  1. Login to FYI as an FYI Admin.
  2. From FYI, click Settings in the top right-hand corner.
  3. Select Practice settings from the drop-down, then select Documents.
  4. Go to the Cabinets tab.

The Cabinets list is displayed as follows.


Adding or updating a Cabinet displays the Create Cabinet or Update Cabinet drawer on the right-hand side of the list.

Adding a New Cabinet

  1. From the Cabinet list, click Add.
  2. Enter the Cabinet Name.
    Note: You cannot use the following special characters in the Cabinet Name:
    / \  " *  :  < > ? |
  3. Enable any settings as relevant.

    Enable Jobs
    Refer below to Tags, Keywords and Jobs and to Jobs and Enabling Jobs and Setting the Default Job for a Client.

    Enable Keywords
    Keywords allow you to have additional search criteria for documents. As part of the filing details for the document, you can enter Keywords.  You can then use this to search and sort in the lists. Refer below to Tags, Keywords and Jobs and to Tags and Keywords.

    Enable Tags
    Allows you to have additional levels of categorisation for documents. As part of the filing details for the document, you can create and select existing Tags.  You can then use this to filter the lists.  Tags are similar to Keywords except the values entered by any user are saved and displayed in the filing details in the Tags drop-down so the user can use it again for any document. Refer below to Tags, Keywords and Jobs and to Tags and Keywords.

    Enable Knowledge
    If the Cabinet has Enable Knowledge set as "On", a  tab for the Cabinet will be included in the Knowledge Cabinets as an additional tab. The users who can see this tab, and have access to the documents in it, are controlled by whether or not access to the Cabinet has been included in the User Group that the user belongs to.

    Note: Whether the users in the group can additionally edit or delete the documents, or file documents against the Cabinet, is controlled by the Permissions setting for Knowledge in the User Group. Refer to Internal Documents in the Knowledge Cabinets and Managing User Groups.

  4. Click Add Category to Cabinet. The Add/Remove Category pop-up displays.
    Click on the - (minus) icon next to the Category to add it and change it to a green + (plus). There is no need to re-select the Categories already included in the Cabinet.

    Click OK to re-display the Cabinet details.

    Select whether a value for the Category is required or optional when adding documents or when changing the filing fields.
  5. Click Save.
    To view changes made to the cabinet, open the Activity section of the Cabinet drawer.

Any User Groups that are not set to "All Cabinets" will need to have the new Cabinet added to their group, otherwise, it will not be available for users to select when filing documents. Refer to Managing User Groups.

If you have configured your practice’s OneDrive filing structure (which impacts Legacy Collaborate and Team Co-Edit) folder permissions are not applied automatically. Permissions will need to be added to the folder in OneDrive directly. 

Tags, Keywords and Jobs

When Tags, Keywords or Jobs have been enabled for a Cabinet, these show in the Categories section and can be set as either "Required" or "Optional" for that specific Cabinet.

The following is an example of a Cabinet where Tags, Keywords and Jobs have been enabled for that Cabinet and they are all optional.


Changing the Order in which Categories, Tags, Jobs and Keywords are Displayed in the Drawer and Cabinet Explorer Tab

The order in which Categories, Tags, Keywords and Jobs are displayed within the Cabinet is the order in which they show in the drawer for emails and documents and in the Cabinet Explorer tab.

To change the order, click the move icon on the left-hand side and drag and drop the Categories, Tags, Keywords and Job up or down so they are in the sequence in which you want them to display in the drawer.


Removing a Category from the Cabinet

With the Cabinet displayed, click the Remove icon next to the relevant Category that has been included in the Cabinet. This does not delete the Category itself or its values.

Changing a Cabinet

From the Cabinet list, click the Cabinet to display the Update Cabinet drawer. From the drawer, you can change the Name of the Cabinet and the Categories that will be available for selection within that Cabinet.


Within a Cabinet, each Category can be set as either "Required" or "Optional". This indicates whether users must select a value for that Category when adding documents to this Cabinet. To change this setting, click the switch to set it as either "Required" or "Optional".

Activity Drawer

Click Activity to expand the section. Changes made to the Categories for the cabinet will be displayed, including categories added or removed, the name of the user that made the change, and the date and time the change was made.


Displaying the Document Count

To display a count of the total number of documents in a Cabinet, edit the Cabinet and click Get document count.


The number of documents currently in that Cabinet is displayed inside the button.


The Document Count includes documents for Active, Archived and Unmatched clients.


  • Email Threads are counted as individual documents i.e. if there are 5 emails in the thread the count will indicate 5, not 1.
  • Document Versions are counted as one document i.e. if there are 5 versions of the document the count will indicate 1, not 5.

Deleting a Cabinet

To delete a Cabinet, select the Cabinet in the list and click Delete and confirm.

Note: The Employees Cabinet cannot be deleted.

Automation Steps or Documents filed to the Cabinet

If there are any automation steps involving the selected Cabinet, or if documents are filed under that Cabinet, an option to select a new Cabinet for reassignment will be displayed. The documents will be refiled overnight.


To check if there are any documents filed under that Cabinet, or if the Cabinet is used in the User Groups:

  1. Open the Cabinet (in the Admin - Cabinets tab) and click the Get document count button to check if there are any documents filed against that Cabinet.
    Note: This count includes documents for Active, Archived and Unmatched clients.

  2. To check which documents these are, from the Documents list, filter on the Cabinet that you want to delete.

  3. Ensure you click the Collapse threads into a single record button to disable this so that all documents display. Refer to Managing Email Threads.

  4. Delete any documents that are not needed.
    Use the Bulk Update function to move existing documents to a new Cabinet. Refer to Bulk Updating of Filing Details.

  5. Check the Role Cabinets in the User Groups list and if there are any User groups with the Cabinet specifically selected, set this as "Off". Refer to Managing User Groups.

If a Cabinet is deleted and there are still documents filed under it, the Cabinet will automatically be deleted from these documents and show "(deleted)" after the name. If the Cabinet is selected in any User Groups as the Role Cabinet, these display with "(deleted)" after the name in the list.

To check if Automation processes use the Cabinet:

  1. From FYI, click the Automation menu option.

  2. Go to the Processes tab.

  3. For the relevant Process, click the cog icon to edit the process.

  4. Check the Action column for each step to review the selected Cabinets.


Cabinet is assigned to a Client, User or Practice as the Filing Defaults

Before deleting, if you are deleting a Cabinet already assigned to any clients or users, these are displayed so you can reassign the default to a new cabinet.


Note: This does not reassign any default Categories.

To reset any default Categories:

  1. Update this for the relevant clients. Refer to Setting Filing Defaults for a Client

  2. An FYI Admin can update this from the Users (refer to Changing Filing Defaults and Settings with Bulk Edit in Managing Users). Users can also update these in their own settings. Refer to Setting Defaults and Filing Defaults for your Own Login - My Settings.

If the Cabinet has been assigned at the Practice level as the Filing Defaults, a message is displayed.


If you delete the Cabinet, you will need to update the Practice Filing Defaults (refer to Email AutoFile Settings, Exclusions and Practice Filing Defaults).

Cabinet is assigned as the Default Invoice Filing Cabinet

For practices on the Elite plan, if the Cabinet has been selected in the Invoice Filing Defaults, the Cabinet will not be able to be deleted. Select a new Cabinet from the Invoice Settings before deleting the Cabinet.

Refer to Managing Invoices Settings.


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