
Managing Work In Progress - WIP

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Work In Progress (WIP) is the measurement of completed work that is not yet billed to clients. WIP is the total of submitted un-invoiced time that has not been written-off plus disbursements, less any Interim invoices, for your client work for any given period.

Displaying Work In Progress

Jobs List

The Jobs List can be used to view the WIP for any given period across all jobs. To view the WIP information add the WIP and Write On/Off columns to your job list. Refer to Adding, Removing and Moving Columns in the Jobs Lists. This list can be viewed when displaying the Client - Jobs and the Home - My Jobs tabs. Refer to Using the Jobs Lists.


You can make changes to the layout of the Jobs List to display all relevant columns and save the View. Refer to Saving Changes to the View Layout, Modifying and Deleting Views.

Tip: You can sum the total value of WIP and use the grouping function to view WIP by Job Manager or using custom fields such as Office. Refer to Grouping Jobs Lists.

Job Summary

To view the WIP for a job, select a Job and open the Job Workspace to display the Job - Summary tab. 

569 Job Summary Not Workflow Jobs_Elite.gif

The Financial Details section is displayed on the left under the Job Details and Assigned Users sections. 

For details on time, disbursements and Interim invoices for the job, navigate to the Time tab in the Job Workspace.



To include the WIP calculations on a report, select a view that contains the WIP and Write On/Off columns or tick Include All Columns when creating a report. Refer to Creating Reports from Excel Report Templates.

The WIP and Write On/Off columns will be included on the Data - Jobs tab, and can be added to the Report tab Pivot Table if required.


Writing On or Off Time Entries

WIP can be allocated when creating an invoice with the Invoice type Progress or Final. Refer to Invoicing Overview.

The Create Invoice drawer displays the selected jobs and the corresponding WIP amount outstanding. Clicking on the Job displays the Add Time window to allow you to select or deselect time entries to be included on the invoice. Refer to Create an invoice.

When creating an Invoice for a Billing Job, all Workflow Jobs linked to the Billing Job will appear in the "Selected Jobs" section with their respective WIP and Amount details in addition to any Interim Invoices. The Client Name is displayed under each Job Name.

To view the WIP entries associated with the job and invoice, click the Job Name link beneath "Selected Jobs". 


The Invoice Amount determines the write off or on amount to the time that has been selected. Where there are multiple time entries selected, the write off or on amount is split across each based on the value of each time entry.

The write off and on allocations can be reviewed in the Add Time window for the selected Jobs when creating the invoice.


The write off and on allocations can also be reviewed in the Jobs - Time tab once the invoice is created.


Note: Any deselected time or disbursement entries will be carried forward as outstanding WIP on a future Progress or Final invoice. Refer to Selecting Time and Disbursement Entries to select WIP to be carried forward.

Nil Value Invoices

Progress or Final Invoices can be created with an Invoice Amount of $0.00 to process write off of any remaining WIP on a job.

The Invoice will only be used for write off purposes:

  • The Invoice document will not be created or synced with Xero
  • An Invoice Number will not be assigned
  • The Status is automatically set to Paid.

If a nil value Invoice is deleted, the WIP will be restored to the job. Refer to Deleting and Voiding Invoices.

To view the details of the invoice, click the Unhide Paid Invoices icon from the Invoices Tab and select the relevant Invoice from the list.

Select the Details section in the drawer to review the details of the Invoice.


Reallocating Time and Disbursement Entries

Time and Disbursement entries can be reallocated to another job if they have the status of Draft or Submitted. Time and Disbursements with a status of Invoiced or Locked cannot be changed. 

You can reallocate Time and Disbursements individually or in bulk:

Individual Reallocation

  1. In FYI navigate to the Time tab in Home, Clients, Jobs or Practice Activity workspaces. Refer to Displaying and Updating Time.
  2. Select the relevant Time or Disbursement entry to display the Update Time or Update Disbursement drawer.
  3. Search and select the relevant Client and Job to reallocate the entry to.
    Note: When selecting a Job, both Standard Jobs and Workflow Jobs will display in the drop-down. Billing Jobs will be hidden to provide efficiency when creating a Time entry.
  4. Click Update.

Bulk Reallocation from Time Tabs

  1. In FYI navigate to the Time tab in Home, Clients, Jobs or Practice Activity workspaces. Refer to Displaying and Updating Time.

  2. If required, first filter the Time list to display the Time and Disbursement entries you want to apply the Bulk Update to.

  3. Select one or more Time and Disbursement entries.
    Note: Locked and Submitted Interim Time entries cannot be updated.

  4. Click the Bulk Update button in the toolbar. Bulk Update displays in the drawer.
    Note: When Interim time entries are selected, the Rate field will not be visible.
  5. Search for and select the relevant Client and Job
    When updating Time entries to a client in a different family group, both the Client and relevant Job must be selected.
    Note: When selecting a Billing Job a linked Workflow Job must be selected for the Time & Disbursement reallocation.
  6. Update other details you want to change for the selected entries.
    Note: Submitted Interim time entries status cannot be updated.
  7. Click Run.
  8. A message displays that the Bulk Update has been scheduled to run. 
    From the message, you can click the link to the Practice Activity or to the Automation History to check the progress.

Bulk Reallocation when Creating an Invoice

Note: This is relevant for Billing Jobs only, where the time is reallocated to another workflow job. 

  1. When creating an Invoice, the Create Invoice drawer displays the selected jobs and the corresponding WIP amount outstanding. Clicking on the Job displays the Add Time window to allow you to reallocate Time and Disbursement entries during the Invoicing Process.

  2. Select one or more Time and Disbursement entries.
  3. Click the Bulk Update button in the toolbar. Bulk Update displays in the drawer.
  4. Select the relevant Workflow Job from the drop-down.

  5. Update other details you want to change for the selected entries.

  6. Click Run.

Reallocating Interim Time Entries when Creating an Invoice

Note: This is relevant for Interim Time entries that are allocated to Billing Jobs only, and practices wish to allocate the Time entry to an associated Workflow Job.

  1. When creating an Invoice, the Create Invoice drawer displays the selected jobs and the corresponding WIP amount outstanding. Clicking on the Billing Job displays the Add Time window to allow you to reallocate Interim Time entries during the Invoicing Process.

  2. Select one or more Interim Time entries.
  3. Click the Bulk Update button in the toolbar. The Bulk Update drawer displays.
  4. Select the relevant Workflow Job from the dropdown. 
    Note: If reallocating an Interim Time entry from a Workflow Job to a Billing Job, select No Workflow Job.

  5. Click Run.

Splitting Time Entries

Split Time can be used for time entries and interim invoices to partially invoice WIP, with a new time entry created for the remaining value. Disbursement entries cannot be split.

To split time:

  1. Create a Progress or Final Invoice.

  2. Click on a Job Name.
  3. Click on a Time entry in the list, and then select the Split Time button in the toolbar. The Split Time button will display when a time entry has been highlighted.
    Use Ctrl + Click to deselect a row, if required.
  4. The Split Time window will be displayed. In the Billable Amount field, enter the value of WIP to be separated i.e. the value that will not be invoiced.

    The Billable Amount must be greater than zero, and cannot exceed the original value. If splitting Interim Time, enter the whole value. For example, if the Billable Amount was -100, enter 30 to only invoice a Billable Amount of -70. Once time has been split, it cannot be restored to the original value.
  5. Click Split.

  6. The Add Time window will be displayed. A new time entry for the remaining value will be created, however the entry will be deselected to ensure it's not included in the current invoice. 
  7. The new time entry created by the split for the remaining amount will clone fields from the original time entry, for example Date, Notes, and Custom Fields. The Time and Rate fields will be locked.
    The Activity section shows that the entry was created by splitting time, along with the original Billable Amount.
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