
Opening, Editing and Finishing Editing Reports

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Once a report has been run, it will display as an Excel Spreadsheet document in the Documents list for users with appropriate permissions to the Cabinet it is filed to.

Opening a Report for Editing

  1. Locate the Report from the Documents list or from the notification you received once the report has run successfully.
  2. Click Edit or Co-Edit. Refer to Opening, Editing and Finish Editing Documents.
    Note: If you wish to maintain a live version of the report by refreshing the data, you must open the report as Co-Edit. Refer to Co-Editing an Internal Document.

Reviewing the Report

Each Excel Report is made up of multiple worksheets with all the relevant data and settings required for the report. It is recommended to open Excel Reports in the Desktop version of Excel.

Report Worksheet

The Report Worksheet displays the results of the report as a standard Pivot Table in Excel. You can use the Pivot Table features to customise your report. Refer to Microsoft Excel help for further details on working with Pivot Tables. 

If the report uses a Date Range, for example the Revenue Per FTE Report, this will be displayed under the report details at the top. 

Click the + symbol, found in the row numbers on the left-hand side, to expand the hidden rows.


Update the Start Date and End Date to filter the report to the required dates.


Data Worksheets

The Data Worksheets contain the source data presented in the report. These are based on the View Types selected when running the report, such as Clients, Jobs, or Invoices. If multiple View Types are selected for the report, each will have a dedicated Data Worksheet. 

As these sheets are designed to provide the source data used in the report, Filters should not be applied to the Data Worksheets.


Some reports may include direct hyperlinks to FYI or Xero, for example, the Job or the Invoice Link. Click the link to open FYI or Xero, or copy and paste the link into a browser.


Settings Worksheet

The Settings Worksheet contains the configuration settings for the report. These settings can factor into the calculations performed by the report. In the example below, the Job States are listed along with the % Completed and can be updated to suit your practice.

The following details appear in the Settings worksheet:

  • Version - The Version displays the Version of the Master Report that has been used. Refer to Managing FYI Excel Master Report Templates.
  • Help - The Help Link will redirect to the FYI Help Centre to provide information on Reports.
  • Variables - The Variables of the report detail the Report Name, Practice Name and Report Date details.
  • Key Settings - These settings reflect your FYI Settings. For example, when using a Job Report, Job States will display along with the expected completion percentage of work for each Job State. For example, the planned Job State has a 0% expected completion rate as no actual time should be allocated to jobs in this state.
    These settings can be altered directly in the Settings worksheet. You can add additional Job States and alter expected completion percentages to suit your practice.
  • Change Log - This is used to track any updates made to the report template.

Refreshing the Report

Using the FYI Office Add-In, you can display the FYI Drawer within Excel (refer to Adding the FYI Add-ins for Office and Outlook). For Reports, the option to Refresh report data can be located in the FYI Drawer. This allows you to refresh the report data to retrieve current data from your FYI platform into your Excel Report, without re-running the report. The Refresh report data button is only available when editing the report in the Desktop version of Excel.
Note: The Report must be opened in Co-Edit mode and the OneDrive app will need to be activated to use the Refresh report data function. 


Note: When Refresh report data is selected within a report, the data will be overridden with the current data in FYI. 

Finish Editing or Co-Editing the Report

When you have finished editing the report, you need to close the document and indicate that you have finished editing by clicking I am finished editing in the drawer. This releases the document so other users can edit it if needed. Refer to Opening, Editing and Finish Editing Documents.

For Co-Edit, only the person who started the Co-Edit, or an FYI Admin can finish Co-Editing reports. 

When you have finished reviewing or editing the report, you can close the excel document. For reports, it is only necessary to finish Co-Editing when the report no longer needs to be accessed by relevant users and you can do this by clicking Finish Co-Editing in the drawer. Refer to Co-Editing an Internal Document.

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