
Practice Sync Desktop App has stopped synchronising


This article relates to the Practice Sync app for:

Practice Sync appears to have stopped synchronising data, for example, clients, and the Last Sync date and time was last performed longer than the configured Sync frequency. This could be where the Last Sync was 24 hours ago, but the sync frequency is set to be performed every 60 minutes.

When there has been no communication from Practice Sync in 24 hours, one of the following events will be added to Practice Activity with the following message:

Action Required event message:

  • The FYI Sync Updater Service is not running. Please restart the service.

Failure event message:

  • No communication from Practice Sync for 24 hours.

    When opening the drawer, the following error details are displayed:

    • FYI-2158 Practice Sync appears to have stopped synchronising. Open the Practice Sync app to check for any Login or Service Status errors and restart if necessary.


The FYI Practice Sync app on the desktop may not be running, or there may be an issue with the Login or Service Status.


Step 1 - If Practice Sync is not running

If the Practice Sync App is not currently running on the server, you will need to start the app.

  1. Click the Windows start menu.

  2. Navigate to Start > All Apps > FYI Practice Sync.

  3. Once the app starts, open the app and confirm there are no errors displayed.

Step 2 - Confirm the Practice Sync Login and Service Status

Open the Practice Sync app and check both the Service Status and Login Status.

If there are any problems, an alert symbol will be displayed. Click Restart to restart the services, or Login to log back into FYI.

If there are no errors, a green tick will be displayed for both the Service Status and Login Status.


Step 3 - Restart the Practice Sync App

If none of the above solutions resolve the issue, retry exiting and restarting the app.

  1. To restart the app, right-click on the FYI Practice Sync icon in the toolbar
    Note: if the icon doesn't appear, it may confirm the app was not running and needs to be started.


  2. Click Exit

  3. Start the app again by using the shortcut on the Desktop or by navigating to Start > All Apps > FYI Practice Sync

If you have made any changes or restarted the Practice Sync app, wait until the next Sync Frequency interval has passed and confirm if the issue has been resolved.

If the issue remains, please contact our support team

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