- Error "Unable to delete Custom Fields: can only delete fields whose source is FYI or FYI Sync"
- Error "Cannot access Xero organisation" in Practice Activity
- Error in Practice Activity "Failed due to user not assigned to job"
- Error "Xero Ledger connection for (user) failed due to Authorisation, please reconnect" displayed in Practice Activity
- "Error loading Chart of Accounts. Error loading Invoice themes." displays when updating a Job Template
- "Error exporting invoice - Skipped Invoice to Xero, no tenant set for job template" in Practice Activity
- Error in Practice Activity "Error updating Job State - Bad Request"
- FYI-2178 Error in Practice Activity: "Error exporting invoices - The TaxType Code cannot be used with Account Code"
- Alert "Client Relationship delete export failed" in Practice Activity
- Documents not opening when using FYI Desktop App
- Error FYI-2169 "The Client Tax Number either has an invalid format or already exists in Xero Practice Manager"
- "Error downloading document" when opening a document using FYI Desktop App
- Error "IDX14100: JWT is not well formed" displayed in My Settings - Status tab
- Error FYI-2157 "User cannot be saved due to an invalid email address"
- Error FYI-2156 "Some staff could not be synced from XPM as they have been added to another FYI practice."
- Error "Custom Field failed to export to XPM" in Practice Activity when synchronising with Xero Practice Manager
- FYI-2123: Unable to log in - email address does not appear to belong to an existing FYI User.
- FYI-2122: Unable to log in - your device cannot be authenticated. Check your Time and Date settings or restart the network.
- FYI-2121: This user is currently marked as Inactive. Contact your FYI Administrator to activate the account.
- Error "Local file with same path already exists" when editing a document using FYI Desktop App
- Error using FYI Desktop App "Value cannot be null" when opening or editing a document
- Error FYI-2115: Email address already exists in another instance of FYI
- Error "CompactToken parsing failed with error code 80049217" displays in Status tab or when opening documents
- Error FYI-2174 "Error getting PDF data, please reload extension" when using the FYI Browser extension
- OneDrive synchronisation failed with an authorisation error
- "Could not get TEMP directory" error displays when installing the FYI browser extension
- Issues when bulk exporting using Cyberduck
- Issues Configuring FYI for Enterprise Practices
- Why are the FYI screens or the FYI icons not displaying as they should when using the Chrome browser?
- "Incorrect username or password" when logging in