Legacy Collaborate
From 31st May 2024, Legacy Collaborate has reached End-of-Support.
Sharing Documents via Legacy Collaborate
Sharing Folders via Legacy Collaborate
Co-editing Documents with Legacy Collaborate
Troubleshooting Legacy Collaborate
- Inviting a client to Collaborate displays error "Failed to Add Users"
- Troubleshooting initial issues with Shared Documents or Shared Folders
- Collaborate using OneDrive - Errors clients may receive when accessing secure links
- Collaborate using OneDrive - Secure Link is Inactive
- My client is a Guest User in our Microsoft 365 account and cannot use document links
- "Error encountered setting up your OneDrive account. Some functionality will not work. Please check you have OneDrive enabled"
- See all 11 articles
FAQs - Legacy Collaborate
- Why is there a number after the file name or attachment shared using Collaborate?
- Can I share a file using Collaborate without the client seeing it?
- Can we add Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for clients accessing documents shared via Collaborate?
- When the Share Folder has been shared, what do I do if the client changes their email?
- Why is a file our client is uploading not getting imported to FYI?
- What do I do if the Client Name changes after documents and Share Folders have been shared with the client?
- See all 8 articles
FAQs - Legacy Collaborate and OneDrive
- Can the OneDrive admin account use Multi-Factor Authentication?
- Why are there documents in my OneDrive FYI - Processed Folder
- Why are there documents in my OneDrive FYI - My Edits Folder but no documents in my Home - My Edits?
- What is the OneDrive Attachments folder?
- How can we enable Google Federation in Microsoft Entra so that external users are able to access the shared content with us using their existing Gmail account?
- Why is the Sharing Settings button red in Client - Collaborate and error "Invalid Authentication Error: Please confirm the OneDrive admin is authenticated" when trying to add users?