Display and maintain jobs within FYI. File documents at a job level.
Jobs Overview
Jobs and Setting Up Jobs in FYI
Using the Jobs Lists
Displaying Jobs
Working with Jobs
Using the Job Workspace
Legacy Workflow Jobs
- Job is not showing in the Client Group or is displayed in an incorrect Client Group
- The Jobs List "Template" column remains blank after using Bulk Update to select Job Templates
- "Skipped sending ... as User does not exist in XPM" displays in Practice Activity
- "Error submitting time sheet - The job task ... is completed" shown in Practice Activity when submitting Time entries
- Why are duplicate jobs displaying in my Jobs List?
- Exported CSV from FYI displays time as a decimal, how do I see it as time?
- See all 19 articles
FAQs - Jobs
- Why has the Job State reverted after synchronising with Xero Practice Manager?
- Why hasn't my new Job State synchronised from Xero Practice Manager?
- Why aren't jobs showing in the 'My Jobs' workspace?
- Why are some of the options for Xero Practice Manager Job Category not showing when adding a Task?
- Why does a Job come through to FYI that has no Client assigned to it?
- Can Jobs be filed for the group instead of the client?
- See all 10 articles