In Jobs lists, you can Group information by one or more columns, for example, Client Group, Client, Category, and Job State.
Grouping is currently available in the Jobs lists, including Home - My Jobs and Client - Jobs. Only certain columns can be used for grouping. For example, the Jobs lists can only be grouped by Client Group, Client, Name, State, Category, Cabinet, Partner, Manager, Created By or Modified By.
For practices using Workflow Jobs, use the Billing Job column to group Workflow Jobs together by their parent Billing Job.
Grouping a List
In a list that allows grouping, when you expand the Columns tab on the left-hand side, it displays the Row Groups and the Values sections.
To Group the list by a column, you can:
- Drag the name of the column to the Row Groups section of the Columns tab (click and hold on the '=' sign to drag the column name).
- Drag the column header from the list into the Row Groups section of the Columns tab.
- Right-click on a column in the Columns tab and select Group by (column name).
Tip: You can group by Custom Fields with a Type of Checkbox, Drop-down, Text, and User. Jobs with no selection for that Custom Field will not be grouped.
The following is an example of Grouping the list by State.
Dragging a Column that is Not Relevant for Grouping
If you try to drag a column that is not relevant for Grouping to the Row Groups (such as Name or ID) it cannot be dropped and shows with the icon to indicate it is not available, as in the following example.
When a Column has been selected as a Group
- The list is Grouped by the column, displayed in the list with the heading of Group.
- The column that has been added as a Group displays at the top of the columns.
- The column is removed from the main list.
You can sort the Group by clicking the column heading in the same way as other columns in the list.
When saving a view that has the Group sorted, the saved view re-displays with the saved sort order.
To expand or collapse a Group, click the Expand or Collapse icon on the left-hand side of the value.
You can also right-click over the list to display the pop-up menu and select Expand All or Collapse All to expand or collapse all the Groups.
When saving a View with grouping, the saved Views will always re-display with collapsed values.
Selecting Items in a Group
When a list is grouped, the Select 50 and Select All options are not available. You can click the select checkbox next to a Group title to select all the items in that group. You can tick the Group when it is collapsed or expanded.
Adding more than one Group
You can add more than one column for the Groups in the same way by dragging the column heading to the Row Groups. The following example shows Client added as a second Group.
This is displayed in the same sort order in which it was shown in the list.
Removing a Group
To remove a Group, click the x next to it either at the top of the Columns or in the Row Groups.
Note: When a Group is removed, the columns will be reinserted as new columns at the end of the view on the right-hand side.
Exporting a List that is Grouped
In Jobs lists, you can export the list as Excel using the Excel Report function from the View Tools. Refer to Exporting Lists.
Note: There is a known issue when exporting a Jobs list, the first column is blank causing all data to shift one column over.
When a list is grouped, the Grouping is reflected in the exported file.
Important Note: The Client Group, Client and Name (such as the Job Name) in the exported Excel file are hyperlinks and these may only display after clicking Enable Editing in Excel.
If grouping by a Custom Field with a type of "User" the User ID will be displayed in the Exported File
The following is an example of the exported Excel spreadsheet with two Groupings (State and Client) after clicking Enable Editing in Excel.
When grouping has been applied, you cannot export the list as a .csv file and the following message displays.
At the bottom of the Columns tab is the area where you can add values that can be used to include calculations for any numeric columns in the list. You can only apply values to a numeric column.
To add a column, drag the header of the relevant column to the Values. You can also drag a column from the list in the Columns tab into the Values section by dragging it with the = icon in the Columns tab list.
The following is an example of dragging the Estimated column to the Values.
You can include additional columns for the calculations, initially shown as calculating a "sum".
The calculations are displayed at the bottom of the list on the right-hand side.
Note: Columns must be added to the list.
You can remove any of the calculation values by clicking the x.
You can change what is calculated for a column by clicking on it and selecting from the available calculations such as "avg" for average, "min" for minimum or "max" for maximum.
If Calculations have been added to the list that you are exporting (using the Values at the bottom of the Columns tab) these are included in the export.