
Steps to Complete before Offboarding a Team Member or Making a User Inactive

When offboarding a team member, for example, if a user is leaving your practice or has been set up incorrectly, before making the user "Inactive" in FYI there are several steps that should be completed, for example, checking for any outstanding documents and tasks, and transferring work to another user.

Offboarding a user ensures that any outstanding Emails are filed or finalised and that any Documents, Jobs or Tasks that the user is working on or are assigned to, and any other areas that the user is assigned to, are re-assigned to an active user.

When removing or making a user inactive, any emails or documents relating to the user are retained in FYI and will not be removed. When marking a user as inactive in FYI, the user will remain active for any integrations, for example, Xero Practice Manager and will need to be deactivated manually.

Note: There may be occasions where the user's name and/or email address can be changed in your practice management software, without deleting the user. For example, if the name of the person in a receptionist role changes but their email address stays the same, or if a person changes both their name and email address. In this case, the user's name and/or email address can be changed and this will be updated in FYI when the information is synced.

Follow each of the steps below before making a user Inactive:

Step 1 - Emails that are Still in the User's In Tray

Ensure the user has filed all the emails in their In Tray.

You can also move emails and documents from the user's In Tray to another user's In Tray. The new user will then be able to file the emails or documents from their In Tray. Refer to Moving Emails/Document to another User's In Tray in Managing your In Tray.

If a user has been made "Inactive" and still has emails in their In Tray waiting to be filed, an FYI Admin can use the Draft Filed view to access emails that have a Filing Status of "Draft". You cannot select the Inactive user name as a filter in the Owner column, but you can sort the Owner column to group the documents together by User to access the emails for the Inactive user. Refer to FYI Admin view of all Users' In Trays.

You may also decide to put an "auto-forward" on the user's email so that an active user receives any emails that arrive for the inactive user. You may also decide to take a backup of the user's Outlook.

Step 2 - Check any Tasks Assigned to the User

In FYI, in the Tasks list, filter for all "Incomplete" tasks with the Assignee as the user you are wanting to make inactive. Then use Bulk Update to change the Assignee of these Tasks to an active user/or users as relevant. Refer to Tasks Bulk Update.

Step 3 - Check any Jobs Assigned to the User

If the user is held as the Assignee in any Jobs, these need to be re-assigned in your practice management software and synced to FYI. You can filter the Jobs list on Assignee, refer to Using the Jobs Lists.

Step 4 - Close all Documents on the User's Computer and Check in any Documents that are Still being Edited

Ensure that all documents on the user's computer are closed.

If there are any documents still being edited, these need to be checked in to FYI. This can be done on individual documents in the drawer using I am finished editing, from the user's Home - My Edits using the Finish Editing button, or on the documents lists by clicking the Document being edited icon.

To action this on the user's behalf:

  1. Navigate to the Documents workspace.
  2. Add the column Edit Status and filter to the option Editing
  3. Filter Modified by to the user you are offboarding. 
  4. Review the list of documents and check each document back into FYI. Refer to Check in of Locked Documents.

Step 5 - Check any Documents where the User is the Approver

For any documents that the user is assigned as the Approver, these need to be re-assigned.

Step 6 - Submit any Draft Time Entries

Ensure all Time entries are "Submitted" for the user. You may need to extend the date range that is selected and check the summary displayed for each day to see if there are any Time entries showing as "Draft".

Step 7 - If the User is a Partner or Manager

If the user that will be made inactive is a Partner or Manager, check if the user has been assigned in any of the following and re-assign to a different Partner or Manager. If the user is assigned as the Partner or Manager for a Client or Job, these would usually be re-assigned in your practice management software and then synced to FYI.

  • Partner or Manager for any Clients (refer to Using the Clients Lists and Client Summary).

  • Partner or Manager for any Jobs (refer to Using the Jobs Lists and Job Summary).

    Note: If any changes to Clients or Jobs are made in your practice management software, these need to be synced before making the user inactive.

  • If the Partner has been selected as the associated Partner for any other users these need to be re-assigned. Refer to Changing Filing Defaults and Settings with Bulk Edit in Managing Users.

Step 8 - If the User is assigned as the Owner, or as a Specific User, in any Processes

  • If the user is set as the Owner of any Processes, this displays in the Process List View and this needs to be re-selected. Refer to List View in Automation Processes.
  • If the specific user's name has been selected in any Process steps, for example, as an Assignee, this needs to be re-selected.

    Note: If the user is a Partner or Manager, it is likely that you have used the option to select the relative "Partner" or "Manager" in any Processes and this will automatically select the newly assigned Partner/Manager.

Step 9 - If the User is the OneDrive Admin Account

Your OneDrive Admin account is usually set up as a specific user who would never be made inactive. However, if the user who is being offboarded is the OneDrive Admin account, before making the user inactive, a new admin user of your OneDrive will need to log in to the FYI web application to re-grant OneDrive access. Refer to OneDrive Admin Account and Link your Practice's OneDrive Admin Account.

If the OneDrive Admin is made "Inactive", when any user tries to send a document via OneDrive this will fail and a message will be displayed.

Step 10 - If the User has set up any Integrations for any Apps

If the user set up any of the integrations for any Apps (such as the Xero Practice Manager connection, Xero Ledger, BGL, NowInfinity) the App needs to be reconnected as a different user. Refer to the section Apps and Integrations.

Step 11 - Make the User Inactive

Once the above steps have been completed, in FYI an FYI Admin will need to change the status of the user to "Inactive". Refer to Managing Users.

Once a user is marked as Inactive the FYI monthly bill calculation will be reduced (only users marked as Active are included).

Note: Making a user inactive or deleting the user in your practice management software will not make the user inactive in FYI. The user needs to be changed to "Inactive" in FYI.

Note: Any users who are "Inactive" will still appear as internal users when selecting Recipients in Emails as there may be instances where the user is Inactive in FYI, but your practice still requires an email to be sent to them (refer to Adding and Changing Recipients when Creating an Email).

If the User has already been made Inactive before Completing these Steps

If the User has already been made "Inactive", and all or any of the steps above have not been completed:

  1. In FYI make the user "Active" again.
  2. Complete any of the steps above that have not been done.
  3. Make the user "Inactive" again.


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