
Synchronising Clients, Users and Jobs with MYOB AE & AO (Australia & New Zealand Only)

When FYI is integrated with MYOB AE, your Clients, Contacts, Custom Fields and Employees are imported from MYOB AE and continuously synchronised with FYI. Changes made in MYOB AE are reflected in FYI. 

The sync from MYOB AE to FYI happens every 15 minutes, ensuring that MYOB AE continues to be your single source of truth for client information. The sync frequency refers to the time interval between the completion of a full sync process for all data and the start of the next sync. For example, if the last sync was for Contacts, there will be a 15 minute wait before the next full sync starts.

Note: If a client email address field contains multiple addresses, these will be imported as a single value to FYI, making the email field unusable for email selection, AutoFile and Collaborate. Refer to Client Email Address Synchronisation.

Note: The MYOB migration to FYI Practice Management is currently in Beta. To join the Beta, please contact Support.

Summary of Synchronisation

The following is a summary of what data is currently synced from MYOB AE to FYI.

  Event in
Clients Create or Edit

All clients, including archived, are synced.

If a client email address field contains multiple addresses, they will be imported as a single value, making this field unusable in FYI. Refer to Client Email Address Synchronisation.

Archived Clients Close Client The client is auto-archived in FYI.
Client Groups Create or Edit  
Client Addresses Create or Edit

Limited to two address lines in FYI.

The MYOB Settings will allow configuration to map a Home and Business Address to fields in MYOB. 

FYI then sets the client address as follows:

Postal Address:

  1. The Primary address in MYOB

Physical Address:

  1. The Business Address (as per the mapped field in the MYOB configuration settings)
  2. If a Business Address is not found, then use the Home Address (as per the mapped field in the MYOB configuration settings)
  3. If neither a Business nor Home Address is found, then use any other address not set as the Primary Address in MYOB
  4. If no other address found, use the Primary Address in MYOB
Client Contacts Create or Edit

Contacts in MYOB AE's Associated tab and Addresses tab will sync to FYI's Contacts tab.

Contacts from the Associated tab with an end date prior to today's date will not sync to FYI. If the end date is in the future, the contact will sync until that date, after which it will be removed from the Contact tab in FYI.

Client Contacts Delete Deleting a contact from MYOB AE's Associated tab will also delete the contact in FYI.
Client Custom Fields Create or Edit Details in MYOB AE's Extras tab will sync to FYI's Custom Fields tab.
Jobs Create or Edit The Assignment Name can be toggled on to use the Assignment Name as the Job Name.
Job Milestones Create or Edit

When a Job is updated to mark a Milestone as Completed, the Job State in FYI will be updated to match. When multiple Milestones have been completed, it will reflect the Job State for the highest completed Milestone.

Once the End Milestone has been completed, any other changes will not be synchronised to FYI.

The Job State in FYI created from Milestones will have the "Hide from Board" setting enabled by default.

Users Create or Edit

All active employees must have an email address recorded in MYOB AE in the employee record "Personal" tab and "Main tab".

Note: When editing user details, you need to update the Employee's details on both the "Personal" and "Main" tab (including the U/Name field).

After the initial synchronisation, the status of users will not be synchronised.

Users Delete No action in FYI - Deleted users are not synchronised.
The user needs to be made Inactive in FYI.
Invoices (Beta) Create or Edit

All invoices will sync from the selected Sync Start Date.

Outstanding invoices prior to the specified date will sync and be visible in Documents Lists.

Note: Invoices will be created as an Invoice document in FYI, and will not be available as a PDF or Word Document. Refer to Searching for Invoices.

For practices on the Pro plan, invoices will be available in the Document list only. Refer to Searching for Documents.

Time and Disbursements (Beta) Create or Edit

All time and disbursement entries will sync from the selected Sync Start Date.

Unbilled time entries prior to the specified date will sync, however will not be available until FYI has been selected as your Practice Management source.

FYI does not currently sync the following: 

  • Client Security - this will need to be set up in FYI directly.
  • Document and Email Templates
  • Intranet Documents
  • Schedules
  • Portal Documents
  • Tax Returns
  • Contacts - used to record prospects and leads
  • Client Relationships

We will continue to work on these areas so they are included in the future.

Additional Notes:

  • No data is synced from FYI to MYOB AE including time.
  • The Open in PM icon does not open the Client in MYOB AE.
  • Any data deleted in MYOB AE will not be reflected in FYI by the synchronisation.
  • A Client Custom Field of "Department" is created by the FYI Sync and this Custom Field is populated with the Client's Client Department.

Field Synchronisation

Click on the headings below to view a list of fields synchronised with FYI. 

Client Code
Client Name
Contact Name
Company Name
Company Number
Business Number
Tax Number
Client Group
Client Details
Archived Clients
Physical City

Physical Address

Physical Region
Postal Address
Postal City
Postal Region
Postal Postcode
Postal Country
Partner's Email
Client Partner
Other Name
Client Manager
Client Manager Email
First Name
Last Name
Export Code
Email Field
Custom Field Values
Custom Field Definitions
Client Contacts
Accountant Responsibility
Job Name (the Job Name displayed will depend on whether the option "Use Assignment Name for Job Name" has been enabled)
Job ID
Client Group
Custom Fields
State - the State Name displayed will depend on whether the option "Use Milestone Status for Job State" has been enabled. New Job States will have the "Hide from Board" setting enabled by default.
Due Date
Start Date
Date Modified
Budget Amount (limited to a maximum of $999,999)
Assigned To (synchronised to "Assigned" in FYI)

A new user will only be created if the email address does not already exist for another user in either the FYI Email or Alias fields.

Time and Disbursements (Beta)
Entry Date
Billable Rate
Billable Amount
Invoiced Amount
Name (Disbursement Only)
Quantity (Disbursement Only)
Invoices (Beta)

Note for practices on Pro plan, invoices will only be available in the Documents Lists. 

Amounts including Gross, Net and Tax
Dates including Created, Due and Paid
Balance including Paid, Part Paid and Unpaid

Additional Synchronisation Details

Custom Field Synchronisation

Once a Custom Field has been synchronised from MYOB to FYI, the Custom Field Type will be set in FYI, for example, a Date. The Type determines how the Custom Field is displayed and used within the platform.

If MYOB is updated to use a different type, for example changing from Date to Text, a new Custom Field will be created in FYI. The original Custom Field will remain, and should be deleted by an FYI Admin if not required.

Refer to Managing Custom Fields.

Client Email Address Synchronisation

Where a Client Email address field in MYOB AE contains multiple email addresses for the client, these will be imported as a single value in FYI. This format means the email field is unusable for sending emails, AutoFile, and using the Collaborate feature in FYI.

Practices should update the Client Email address field in MYOB AE to include only one email address for the client. Where any additional email addresses are required for that client, the Contact fields should be used to manage these separately.

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