
Automation Fundamentals (Nov 2021)


The ability to automate repetitive processes creates great efficiencies and time-savings, so there’s more time to add real value to your clients.

This 30-minute webinar covers the fundamentals so you can start creating automations in FYI.

Topics include:

  • Planning your Automations – what processes to automate and why?
  • The Fundamentals – process controls, triggers, filters and steps, and how to test and track your automations
  • Tips and tricks - to help you automate like a pro
  • Automating Bulk Emails to Clients - learn how to create custom processes sending bulk emails to clients and managing unsubscribes.

Click below to play a full recording of the webinar (30 minutes)

Sample Automations 

Click below for quick-access to the sample automations shared in the webinar.




Useful Links 

To download Quick Reference Guides and get user instructions for the sample automations listed above, refer to:

Sending a Bulk Email to all Clients

Sending an Email to a Segmented Client List

Managing Email Unsubscribes

Other useful help articles include:

Custom Processes using Views and Summary Notifications 

Displaying Information for Client Groups 

And to learn more about creating custom processes, visit the Process Automation section in help.

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