There may be occasions where you need to log out of the FYI Desktop App, for example, if you are on a shared computer login, if you have access to more than one FYI instance with different emails, or if you are asked by our Support team to log out of the app.
There is currently no logout functionality built into the FYI Desktop App. You will need to delete the file that contains your settings so that restarting the app will prompt you to log in again.
Step 1 - Note the Documents Path
Before closing the FYI Desktop App, you should note the Documents Path. When logging back into the app later, you will be able to enter the same Documents Path the app continues to function as before.
By default, the Documents Path is "C:\Users\Username\Documents\FYI Desktop", however, this may have been modified.
To confirm where your FYI Desktop document files are stored:
- Right-click on the FYI Desktop application in the application tray
- Click Settings.
- Make a note of the path that shows in the dialogue box for Documents Path.
Step 2 - Exit the FYI Desktop App
- Right-click the FYI Desktop icon that displays in your Windows taskbar at the bottom of your screen.
- Click Exit.
- The FYI Desktop app will be closed and the icon will be removed from your Windows taskbar.
Step 3 - Delete the Settings File
Note: Ensure you are logged in as the user that installed the FYI Desktop App.
- Open a Windows Explorer window.
- In the address/folder bar type in %appdata% and press Enter.
- The AppData\Roaming folder will open.
- Open the folder FYI Desktop.
- Delete the file settings.json
Step 4 - Restart the FYI Desktop App
- In the Windows Search bar, search for "FYI Desktop".
This will find the App FYI Desktop
- Press Enter to start the app.
- In the FYI Desktop dialogue that displays, ensure that the Documents Path is the same as when FYI Desktop was initially installed (as in step 1 above). If you have not used the default for Documents Path this will need to be changed to the relevant location.
- Click Save.
- When prompted to log in, click Yes.
Note: If not immediately prompted to log in, click the Desktop App icon. The app will be displayed, and you will be able to click the link to log in.
- The FYI Desktop icon will now display in your Windows taskbar.