
Deleting your FYI Account

In the event that your practice wants to leave FYI, and cancel your subscription, an FYI Admin can request that your account is deleted. 

Important Note: Your account will be disabled once the deletion request is made. You must export your data before making the deletion request.

Exporting your Data

Before you request your account to be deleted, you must export your data.

Refer to Bulk Export

Requesting that your Account is Deleted

  1. As an FYI Admin, go to Practice Settings - General.
  2. Go to the Account tab.
  3. In the Current Plan, click Change Plans.
  4. Click Delete Account.
  5. In the Sorry to see you go pop-up, type "permanently" in the box.

  6. Click Delete Account.

This sends an email to all of your FYI Admins to notify them of the request. The email includes a link to cancel the deletion in the event this was requested by mistake.

A ribbon displays across the top of the FYI screens as a notification.


Deletion of your Data in FYI

After 96 hours from when the delete request was made, all your data will be deleted from FYI. This will delete all your Users, Clients, connections and all documents and emails in FYI.

Cancelling the Request to Delete Your Account

If you want to cancel the delete, an FYI Admin needs to go to Practice Settings - General - Account tab and set up a new plan. Refer to Subscribing to an FYI Plan.

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