In the event of a practice merger or split, the steps to follow will depend on various factors. It is also likely you will need to export some or all of the data.
For practices migrating from one FYI practice to a new FYI practice, we also recommend you contact FYI support to discuss your requirements before proceeding.
Process and Steps to Follow
The Process and steps that you need to take will depend on the scenario, for example, whether you are doing a merger or a split, and on what is being merged.
For details of the following common scenarios for a merger or split refer to the following articles:
- Merger where the Practice being acquired has FYI but the Practice it is being merged into does not have FYI
- Merger of Two Practices that both use Xero Practice Manager and FYI
Exporting Data
This is done using Bulk Export. There are different ways in which you may want to export your data with Bulk Export depending on why you are exporting. For example:
- You can export all your data using Bulk Export.
- In the event of a partner split, you can export all emails and documents for a specific Partner by selecting the name of the Partner when running a Bulk Export.
- If there are unrelated emails and documents that need to be exported, these can be moved to a specific Cabinet, which may be a Cabinet set up specifically for the export. This may be if the documents are for different partners or for a specific Client. The documents can then be exported with Bulk Export and selecting the relevant Cabinet.
- If you are merging with a practice and this is being set up as a new account in FYI, you will need to export the data so that the two practices can merge together.
Refer to Exporting Data for a Practice Merger or Split and Bulk Export AWS.