
Merger of Two Practices that both use Xero Practice Manager and FYI

This article covers the following scenario:

Practice A has been purchased by Practice B and both use Xero Practice Manager and FYI.

Practice A will be merged into Practice B and take on the email address for Practice B and will use Practice B’s Xero Practice Manager.

  • Both practices use Xero Practice Manager.
  • Both practices currently use FYI.
  • Practice A is being acquired by Practice B and will be changing their email login to Practice B.
  • Practice A’s emails are being forwarded to Practice B.

FYI relies on unique IDs from Xero Practice Manager for syncing and therefore we are not able to simply move data from one FYI into another. Therefore, the data needs to be exported and re-imported.

Note/Disclaimer: Certain elements will not be exported/imported during this process such as tasks, comments, starred documents and versions. For a detailed list refer below to What is not migrated.

Process to Follow


  • Practice A’s Xero Practice Manager list needs to be imported into Practice B’s Xero Practice Manager. Contact Xero on how to bulk export/import client details.
  • Request a quote from the Onboarding team to re-migrate the current FYI data and migrate data from the merged practice if required. Please contact the Onboarding team

Before migrating, make sure that as much as possible is completed and cleared.

  • All documents that are still being edited need to be "finished editing". 
    All documents that are in Co-edit need to be "finished Co-editing".
    These documents will then be synced back to FYI to ensure data integrity.
  • File all documents from all users' In Tray. Refer to FYI Admin view of all Users' In Trays.
  • Any Timesheets that have a Status of "Draft" must be submitted.
  • Clear any Tasks that are no longer relevant.
  • Workflow Statuses are not transmitted across to the new practice so ensure as much as possible has a Status of "Complete".

Wherever any Tasks are still outstanding, or any workflow Statuses cannot be cleared and set to "Complete", any documents are "Pending Client Signature", etc. add any relevant columns to the tasks/documents list and export a list of the tasks and documents. This can be used, once all the information has been moved, so you can manually reapply or maintain any statuses.

Export data from Practice A to be re-imported into Practice B

  1. Contact the Support Team to enable the Bulk Export functionality.

  2. Follow the instructions in Bulk Export AWS. The Export structure should be as follows:

    Client code or Export Code (depending on what is used in the new Xero Practice Manager)
    Client Name
    All Categories

Post Export

Onboarding team to import documents based on the Onboarding plan

  • Using the exported documents list, additional metadata can be imported such as created by, created on, reference number, etc.
  • Set up any additional Cabinets and Categories that are needed in Practice B's FYI.
  • Set up any additional User Groups and User permissions that are needed in Practice B's FYI.

Manually re-input or re-enter any open or relevant Tasks, Jobs and Comments information from Practice A’s FYI into Practice B’s FYI

  • Tasks.
  • Comments - If there are any critical Comments across Tasks, Jobs or Documents these will need to be manually re-entered after the documents have been imported.
  • Document workflows - If important to your practice, set the Workflow Status for the relevant documents when they have been imported.
  • Re-apply Client Security to any relevant clients (refer to Client Security).

Set up Collaboration again as relevant

If Collaborate is being used, this will need to be set up again. This does not link to previously shared documents or folders.

  • Documents will need to be re-shared again with the relevant clients.
  • Shared Folders and Upload Folders will need to be re-shared again with the relevant clients.

What is not migrated

  • Comments will not be moved.
  • Email threading will not come across.
  • Soft Deleted documents are not migrated.
  • Only the latest version of a document is migrated so the Version history is not imported.
  • Email AutoFile Exclusions are not migrated.
  • "My recent" will not initially display any documents.

Items to set up again in Practice B

  • "My Starred" documents
  • Job States and the setting for Hide from Job Board.
  • Views
  • Client Filing Defaults for the AutoFile settings to be set up. If possible, use the Filing Defaults for the practice.
  • Users' Filing Defaults and any Individual Settings
  • Practice Email Signatures and Word Stationery.
  • Document and Email Templates
  • Automations and Apps will need to be manually set up again

Once all information is moved

Cancel the subscription for Practice A’s FYI.

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