
Sharing Documents via myprosperity

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To share documents via myprosperity, you must have first integrated FYI with myprosperity. Refer to Integration with myprosperity.

Sending a Document via myprosperity

When sending a Document via myprosperity, you have the option of notifying the client via email or simply sharing the file with myprosperity (no email).

Note: Ensure the client has been created in myprosperity before sharing a document. Refer to Digital Signatures using myprosperity.

Sharing with Email Notification

Follow the steps below to send a document via myprosperity:

  1. In FYI, select one or more documents. Refer to Selecting Documents in a List in Using the Documents Lists.

  2. Click the Share button in the toolbar. The Create Email drawer displays.

  3. In the Create Email Drawer, for the Send via option, select myprosperity.

  4. In the Drawer, select the template to use. The template must include the Merge Field Attachment Links. Refer to Including Merge Fields in Email Templates and Signatures.

    Note: The Attachment Links Merge Field will populate the email with the document name but it is not clickable. When the client clicks the ‘clicking here’ link, they are then directed to the login page for their myprosperity account to access the documents.

  5. You can select additional recipient(s) to send the email to or include as the CC.
    You can change any filing details for the email that will be sent to the Client.

    Note: The relevant client must have an email address. If the client does not have an email address you will not be able to click Create to send the email. In this case, you can select an alternative recipient as the email address.

  6. Select Save or Send in the same way as any other email to save it as "Draft in FYI", "Draft in Outlook" or "Send Immediately".
    Note: Emails saved as "Draft in Outlook" are marked as "Sent" in FYI immediately, and should be managed from Outlook directly from that point onwards. The Workflow Status will be set to "Completed".

  7. Click Create.
    The email is sent as usual, only it is sent via myprosperity.

Share No Email

To share documents using myprosperity, but without sending an email, you can use the Share No Email function.

  1. In FYI, select one or more documents. Refer also to Selecting Documents in a List in Using the Documents Lists
    Note: Up to 10 documents can be shared at one time

  2. Click the arrow on the Share menu and select No Email.

  3. The Share Document Drawer is displayed.

  4. The Client will be automatically selected, and the client folder where the file will be uploaded. 

  5. From the Send Documents drop-down select myprosperity.

  6. Click Save

Room Settings

The myprosperity app includes a Room Settings button. This is used to create the configuration settings used to create the Rooms when sharing documents with myprosperity. Refer to Integration with myprosperity.

Automation Process for myprosperity

For practices that have the integration with myprosperity, in an Automation Custom Process that is filtered on a Document View, an additional myprosperity Application displays.

The myprosperity Share Document function, or the FYI Share No Email function, can be selected to share a document directly to myprosperity without sending an email. Refer to Automation Process Steps

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