Bulk Export can be used to export all or part of the FYI document store, including key metadata, to a designated Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3 directory. It can be used to export documents that are held in a specific Cabinet or to export documents for a specific Partner. Refer to Bulk Export.
Important Note: Bulk Export is only available on demand.
To run a Bulk Export, you need to contact the FYI Support Team to enable this function. Once enabled, this allows you to run one Bulk Export.
- In the event that your practice wants to leave FYI, and cancel your subscription, an FYI Admin can request that your account is deleted. Refer to Deleting your FYI Account.
- In the Client - Process History Checklist, additional information has been added to an Alter Document step to show what details are altered by the Process. Refer to Client Process History Checklist.
- In Bulk Export OneDrive, you can now select the Partner. This exports documents for clients where the selected user is held as the Partner for the Client. Refer to Bulk Export OneDrive.
- When using Advanced Tax-Related Merge Fields, and the Type is not specified, this previous only defaulted to ITR (Individual Tax Return). This now defaults as relevant for the client to ITR (Individual Tax Return), CTR (Company Tax Return), TRT (Trust Return), PTR (Partnership Return) or SMSF (SMSF). Refer to Including Advanced Tax-Related Merge Fields in Email Templates and Including Merge Fields in Word Templates and Stationery.
- The Expand Column function has been added to the Client column on the Automation History view. Refer to Automation History.
- When editing an existing Template, the Filing Categories and Keywords in the AutoFile Defaults can now be updated.
- Correction to error when creating a new Email Template when changing the Status from Draft.
- Correction to error when a .png image is uploaded into the user's Approval Signature in My Settings - Documents.
- Correction to error when inserting signature in the FYI Drawer in Word.
- In the In Tray, when using the Move function, the Owner is now correctly updated to the user the emails/documents are being moved to. The Created By user still remains unchanged.
- When creating an email with Send Immediately or Draft in Outlook, a five second delay has been added to stop the error "No body or text provided".
- The option to Save Attachments Separately is now set for all practices and users. This ensures that attachments to emails are always available in FYI.
If Save Attachments Separately in the or Autofile Email Attachments in users' My Settings was previously not set for your practice or for any users, there will be additional attachment entries arriving in users' In Trays.
With this change, the option Save Attachments Separately in practices' Email Autofile and Autofile Email Attachments in users' My Settings have been removed. Refer to Email AutoFile Settings, Exclusions and Practice Filing Defaults and Setting Defaults and Filing Defaults for your Own Login - My Settings.
Release of the FYI Desktop App which is a purpose-built desktop app that is used to edit any FYI document independently of OneDrive. When documents are edited in FYI using the FYI Desktop App, a temporary copy of the document is opened in a dedicated local folder and is not opened in your OneDrive.
This is useful especially for the following:
- It allows you to edit PDFs using your default PDF editor.
- Large sites who use their OneDrive heavily and may be experiencing issues with opening documents from FYI via their OneDrive.
- If you would normally use OneDrive when editing at the office and when working from home, you can switch to editing using FYI Desktop.
Refer to FYI Desktop App and Opening, Editing and Finish Editing Documents with FYI Desktop App.
An FYI Admin can use Bulk Edit to enable/disable Use FYI Desktop for all or selected users. Refer to Changing Filing Defaults and Settings with Bulk Edit in Managing Users.
- FYI can now be integrated with digital signature providers myprosperity for digital signing. When integrated, you can send a document for signature using myprosperity and once signed, the document will be automatically pulled back into FYI and threaded with the original document. You can also send documents to the client via myprosperity in the same way as using the Share option for OneDrive and when myprosperity is integrated, the Share function gives the additional option to Share via myprosperity. You can also receive documents from the client via upload. This allows source documents such as Tax Receipts from the client to be uploaded to FYI. This is similar to clients uploading documents via OneDrive. Refer to Integration with myprosperity and Digital Signatures using myprosperity.
- When saving an existing view, a message now displays if the view is used in any Automation Processes and the message shows the names of the Automations in which is it used. Clicking the link in the message displays that Process in Automations without saving the changes so you can check the changes will not affect how the Process runs. Refer to Saving Changes to the View Layout, Modifying and Deleting Views.
- When editing an Automation Process and when the Status of the Process is "Draft", a message displays as a reminder that it will not run when you click the Back button or when you leave the page. Refer to Setting up Automation Processes.
- The Expand Column function has been added to the Client and Group columns on all views throughout FYI. If you are saving the view, it can be saved with the Client Name or Group column expanded by saving the view with Save Advance Search selected. Refer to Expanding the Client Name or Client Group Column in Using the Clients Lists.
- When sending a document to Annature for signature this sends correctly for a user either with or without an email alias.
Correction to an error in the FYI Drawer for Office products where the Workflow Status was reverting to the previous Status when it had been updated to Approved and then a Comment is entered.
- Correction to an error in Documents list when using "Show Documents I am the Owner Of" was not clearing when moving out of the view.
- In Home - My Tasks, the Comments icon now correct displays after adding a Comment to the Task.
- Updates to the Process History Checklist in Client - Process History and Job - Process History.
The steps are colour coded to display their current status: Green = Success, Grey = In Progress, Red = Error, White = Stopped
- When a Task is created by a step or as part of creating an email or document, additional detail now displays in the Process History Checklist.
- When there is a Task that is blocking the Process, it shows with an icon as information in the Process History Checklist.
- Refer to Client Process History Checklist and Job Processes, Process History and Process History Checklist.
- In Tasks list, Home - My Tasks, Home - Delegated Tasks, Client - Tasks and Job - Tasks, when a Task has been created by an Automation Process, this displays with the View Process Checklist icon. Clicking the View Process Checklist icon displays the Client - Process History Checklist for the Process that created the Task. From the Client - Process History Checklist, the Task details can be displayed and if relevant, the Status changed. Refer to the Displaying a Practice-wide Tasks List.
- In Automation Processes
- The option to Run an Automation Process that has the Status set as "Draft" is no longer available, and you can only Test the Process.
- The Status setting is now a toggle for Active/Draft.
- Making a change to an "Active" process (other than to the Process Name, Owner or Start From date will automatically set the Status to "Draft".
When editing a Process, you can make the Status "Archived" it by clicking the Archive button.
When editing a Process, you can restore an "Archived" process by clicking the Restore button. This restores the process with the Status set as "Draft".
Refer to Setting up Automation Processes.
- Documents sent from FYI to Annature for signature now recognise both the primary email and the email Alias.
AutoArchive Documents. The AutoArchive Documents function automatically archives the client's documents when the client is archived in your practice management software. AutoArchive Documents also allows specific documents to be archived using Bulk Update, for example, all documents for a specific Year category can be archived after the required retention period has passed. The archived documents are removed from the general views, such as the "All" view, but can still be accessed by selecting the separate "Archived" view in documents lists. Refer to Archiving Client Documents.
AutoArchive Documents is enabled from your Practice Settings. Once AutoArchive Documents setting is enabled, all documents for clients that already have a Status of "Archived" are automatically archived retrospectively. Subsequently, when a client is archived in your practice management software, once the client has synced to FYI, and the Status of the client is set as "Archived" in FYI, this will automatically archive all the documents for that client. Refer to Managing Practice Settings.
Important Note: The AutoArchive of documents runs overnight. So the archived documents will be in the Archived view in documents lists from the following morning.
- In the Client - Process History or Job - Process History tabs, you can now click anywhere on an entry to open the Process History Checklist. Previously, clicking the Process Name displayed the Automation Process if the user had access to this but this now displays the Process History Checklist in the same way as clicking the Status. Refer to Client Process History Checklist and Job Processes, Process History and Process History Checklist.
- When running a search from a documents list, then selecting another view and entering the same search this now correctly performs the second search.
- When signing up for a trial, the user who did the signup is now correctly being set as an FYI Admin.
- Correction to error when more than one user is running the unmatched client csv import.
- In the FYI Migrate, pre-signed form data no longer expires.
- Archived Job State is no longer displaying in the Filter for Job State filter when there are no jobs assigned to the State.
- Correction to an error where attachments were still sent after being removed from the Attachments section when creating an email in FYI and also removing recipients.
- The Modified Date on open Jobs is now showing the correct date of when it was last modified.
- Filter can now be used in the Cabinet column on the All and Draft Filed documents lists.
- On Tasks lists, sort can now be used in the Delegator column and the filter can be used in the Created By column for Tasks that are "In Progress" or "Not Started".
- When running the Bulk Export OneDrive, setting for Incremental has been reinstated so that it exports only documents since the export was last run, not the whole document system.
- Reset View now correctly resets the Automation - Processes page.
- Refresh button now refreshes the Jobs Board correctly on a mobile.