When using FYI, it is important that you familiarise yourself with the way documents are filed. This will ensure your Cabinets and Categories are set up for your team to use from Day 1.
As part of the FYI trial experience, certain Cabinets and Categories will be shipped with your platform for review. If you are working with FYI or an Implementation Partner for onboarding, they will assist you with the most appropriate structure to suit your practice.
Cabinets represent the top level of FYI's filing structure. They allow you to store client and non-client documents in a way that is unique to your practice, using consistent filing rules to ensure information is easy to retrieve.
Cabinets also provide the basis of security controls, to determine who has access to cabinets and the information stored within them.
To get you started, FYI provides the following default Cabinets:
Client Cabinets
Cabinet | Examples of use |
Corporate Affairs |
Correspondence |
Final Reports & Returns |
Partner Files |
Permanent |
Workpapers |
Knowledge Cabinets
Cabinet | Examples of use |
Policies & Procedures |
Practice Admin |
Training |
Cabinets can be configured to create a filing structure that meets the requirements of your practice. An FYI Admin can change the name of the default Cabinets, add new Cabinets, or remove Cabinets.
Refer to Managing Cabinets.
Each cabinet can be set up with a unique filing structure beneath it. These are referred to as Categories. By filtering to specific categories, it becomes easier to locate client emails and documents. For more details, refer to Managing Categories.
Categories can be applied to more than one cabinet in FYI.
Within each category is a list of options i.e. the values that a user can select from. For example, for the "Year" category the user could select the option "2023".
The table below is an example of some of the categories and options available in FYI by default.
Category | Examples options |
Year |
Work Type |
Practice Admin |
Team |
Priority (Enabled for only Tasks by default, refer to Managing Categories.) |
Default Cabinets and Enabled Categories
The following table displays the cabinets, and relevant category options, that are available by default in FYI.
For categories marked as "Required", selecting an option from the category will be mandatory when filing a document to that cabinet in FYI. For example, when filing a document to the Final Reports & Returns cabinet, the user must select an option from both the "Year" and "Work Type" categories.
It is recommended to enable Jobs within Cabinets, to provide users with the ability to file documents and emails directly to Jobs. Users can then access all documents and emails relating to specific jobs from the Jobs workspace, making timesheet entry even easier.
Cabinet | Enabled Categories |
Corporate Affairs |
Correspondence |
Final Reports & Returns |
Partner Files |
Permanent |
Policies & Procedures |
Practice Admin |
Training |
Workpapers |
Tags and Keywords
As part of the filing details for documents, you can enter Tags and Keywords. This allows you to have additional levels of categorisation for documents.
Tags and Keywords are both entered dynamically when entering the filing details of a document, and used to locate groups of documents where that text is not in any other part of the filing details.
Tags are located in the filing details in the FYI drawer and can be applied to the specific document you are working on. Tags are saved, when filing your document, you can select an existing tag from the list or create a new tag to apply to your document.
Tags are used as additional categorisation for documents, for example, you can “tag” the documents and emails from your client in relation to the 4th Quarter Tax. This allows you to filter documents based on the same Tag easily.
Keywords provide an additional level for searching for documents. You can apply keywords to a document in the filing details, allowing you to easily sort and search for documents. Keywords are saved for the specific document, and you can use the search documents field to search for any part of the keywords to find like documents.
To use Tags and Keywords, they must be enabled for the selected Cabinet.
Refer to Tags and Keywords.
What’s Next?
Once your filing structure is confirmed, your FYI Onboarding Team will set up your cabinet and categories in FYI as part of the initial refile of your documents. We also recommend notifying your team before going live, to best prepare them and ensure a smooth transition.
Although there is no specific setup required for Tags and Keywords before going live with FYI, it's recommended that you review and maintain Tags regularly.
Your Document Settings can be maintained by your FYI Admins. Navigate to Settings - Practice Settings - Documents. For further details refer to the articles in Practice Settings Documents.