
May and June 2021: What's New and Improved



The last few months have seen a big focus on Email AutoFile. After listening to your feedback, we’ve refined existing functionality and released several new features to improve usability and effectiveness. All just in time to end the 2021 financial year (for our Australian practices) with a bang!

Here’s a summary of some of the new things you can do in FYI when creating and filing emails:

Creating Emails in FYI

  • When creating an email in FYI, you can now select from the following options:
    • Search for any client email - searches FYI for all client email addresses.
    • Search for internal user - displays active and inactive users.
    • Enter a new email - type or paste an external email address.
    • Select a contact of the client - select from a list of contacts specific to the selected client.
      Refer to Adding and Changing Recipients when Creating an Email.

  • You can now Preview your draft email in FYI using the email Editor. This shows how the Merge Fields will populate, including those that relate to the sender of the email. The Preview function is available from the tool bar in the Email Editor and opens the email in a new window in your browser. 
    Refer to Previewing the Draft in FYI Email in Creating an Email in FYI.

Filing Emails from FYI

  • There is now a Draft Filed view in the Documents list that can be used by FYI Admins to  display all the Draft Filed emails and documents in other users’ In Trays across the practice. Standard users can only see their own Draft Filed documents, replicated from their In Tray. Refer to FYI Admin view of all Users' In Trays.

  • Users can now update one or more categories using Bulk Update for emails or documents. The selection of a cabinet is no longer required. This allows you to update, for example, the Year in emails or documents that are filed under different cabinets. Refer to Bulk Update.

  • The columns included in the In Tray have been updated to now include the Year (where available) and the Created Date. Refer to Managing your In Tray.

  • You can now move one or more emails and documents from your In Tray to another user's In Tray. The new user will then be able to file the emails or documents from their In Tray. This is very useful when reviewing incoming correspondence before distributing for action. Refer to Moving Emails/Document to another User's In Tray in Managing your In Tray.

Email Templates and Signatures 

Additional options for Line Height have been added in the Email Editor. These can be used in Email Signatures and Templates and when editing a Draft in FYI email. Refer to Formatting and Fonts using the Editor in FYI.

Email AutoFile Settings and Exclusions 

  • Default filing settings can now be set at the Practice level via the Email AutoFile Settings - Practice tab. When auto-filing emails, and when creating a new email or document in FYI, Practice Filing Defaults for Cabinet and Category will be applied if filing defaults are not available for either the Client or User. Refer to Email AutoFile Settings, Exclusions and Practice Filing Defaults.

  • Non-client emails are now referred to as External Emails in Email AutoFile Settings.


  • A list of email addresses and domains that you want excluded from Email AutoFile can now be imported as a .csv file via the Email AutoFile Settings - Exclusion tab.  This is critical when turning Exclude External Emails to ‘Off’, which ensures emails to/from recipients not known to FYI are draft-filed in FYI, ready for you to review and file them. Refer to Email AutoFile Settings, Exclusions and Practice Filing Defaults. The Draft Filed view in the Documents List is a useful source to review and use to add to your exclusion list. 

  • A new column called Include in AutoFile is now available in the Clients List. This allows users to see which clients will be used in auto-filing where email addresses are shared by clients. Using this column and the ability to sort email addresses you can easily determine where Include in AutoFile needs to be checked or not. Refer to Using the Clients Lists.

  • When displaying a Client Group from the Clients list, you can use the new tab for Clients to display a summary list of the clients within the group. This is an easy way to review which clients are included in auto-filing by adding the Include in AutoFile column. Refer to Displaying Information for Client Groups.

Practice Settings

  • Default filing settings can now be set by an FYI Admin from Practice Settings / Admin for users in bulk or at an individual level. Refer to Managing Users.

  • Default Task Start Date can now be set in Practice Settings to automatically apply a start date of today’s date. This will be set on a stand-alone task or on tasks created from an email, document or job. It is currently not available for tasks created via automation processes. Refer to Managing Practice Settings and Using the Task Drawer.


  • You can now sort email addresses in the Clients List in ascending or descending order. 

  • You can now sync Custom Fields at the Client and Job level rather than for the entire practice. In the Client - Custom Fields and Job - Custom Fields, the Sync from PM button at the bottom of the page will sync the Custom Fields from your practice management software to FYI for that specific client. Refer to Client Custom Fields and Job Custom Fields

Search and Retrieval


  • The Owner and app icon are now displayed in the Automation - Processes - List View. Refer to Automation Processes

  • The Update Job step can now also be used to update Job Custom Fields. This is currently available for Custom Fields that are dates and will update the field with the current date. Refer to Update Job in Process Step Details - Updating Clients, Creating and Updating Jobs.

  • A Process History Checklist now displays when clicking on Status in the Process History tab for Clients and Jobs. This shows a summary of the steps in the process and the status of each step. When clicking on an item, this opens the Drawer to give you access to what the process created. You can also access any Tasks created by the process, for example, if you need to mark a blocking Task as "Completed" so that a process will finish. Refer to Client Process History Checklist. There is no change to the Process History tab in Automation.  

For further details on the features mentioned above, refer to May 2021 Release Notes and June 2021 Release Notes.


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