
July 2021 Release Notes




  • Addition of the FYI Browser Extension. This allows you to upload and file online PDF documents, which have been generated by external sources, directly from your Chrome or Microsoft Edge browser to FYI without having to first download them. This can be used, for example, when printing Xero Tax Returns to PDF. From the open online PDF, you can access the FYI Browser Extension and use this to enter the filing details for the PDF and file it in FYI. Refer to FYI Browser Extension and Filing PDF Documents using the FYI Browser Extension.


  • Cosmetic changes to User Groups list and screen including a change to the name of the Administer tab which is now Permissions. Refer to Managing User Groups.

  • Addition of a Stop function in Automation - History and in the Client - Process History Checklist. This can be used to stop a Process that is in progress (with the Status of "Progress"). Refer to Stopping a Process that is in Progress in Automation History and in Client Processes and Process History.


  • The Automation - Processes - List View now correctly shows the name of the view selected when a view is used as the filter.
  • Un-linking a threaded email no longer also moves the underlying thread.
  • When filing a document, the File & Close or File buttons can no longer be accidentally clicked twice.
  • Adding a new payment method on the billing page no longer affects the subscription start date.
  • When documents are signed by clients via Annature, these are no longer being duplicated when coming back into FYI.
  • When updating the Workflow and adding a Comment to an email, the Comment count is now updating immediately.
  • When a Job State is set as Archived in FYI, Jobs with that state are no longer still showing in the active Jobs list.
  • When columns have been added to the Clients view, the Reset View is now resetting these correctly.
  • When adding a user's name to a task in order to send a notification, when the user's name includes an apostrophe (') this now displays correctly in the Task and in the Notification.



  • Additional options have been included when filing Attachments from an email that is not yet filed. These options are available in the same way when using Save Attachments Separately and also when attachments are not automatically saved as separate documents in FYI. They are used in the same way in the FYI drawer and also when the email is selected in the Inbox of your Outlook.

    • All or selected attachments can be filed at the same time as the email, using the same filing details as the email, by check marking the setting File all attachments or File selected attachments when the email is filed.

    • All or selected attachments can be filed using different filing details to that of the email. In the Attachments section clicking File All allows you to select the filing details to apply to all the attachments. By selecting one or more attachment, clicking File Selected allows you to select the filing details to apply to the selected attachments.
    • Addition of a Back button (<-) in the drawer of the attachment to return to the underlying email.

    • Refer to Filing Email Attachments.

  • Xero Tax is now integrated in FYI for GreatSoft practices. Refer to Tax Returns in Synchronising Clients, Users, and Jobs with GreatSoft.

  • When using the integration with Generic Practice Management Software via a CSV file, this now allows File Notes to be created. Refer to Integration with Generic Practice Management Software.

  • Addition of the Body Merge Field which can be added to Email Signatures as a placeholder for where the contents of a template will be included and set styling such as fonts for the content of emails when no template is used. Refer to Including Merge Fields in Email Templates and Signatures.


  • When User Groups are set up as both Cabinet and Permissions, this now shows the Type as "All".
  • Correction to an error when selecting a relative date in Home - My Comments.
  • When changing the name of a document or an attachment the Save or Cancel icons now display correctly.
  • When a Cabinet User Group is assigned to a user, this can no longer be deleted.
  • If a Category has been linked to a Cabinet that is deleted, it can now be deleted, providing it is not linked any user, client or to the practice Filing Default settings.
  • In an Automation that creates a job and then creates more than one task, the job is correctly selected on all the relevant tasks.

  • Admin User Group is now being assigned correctly to the user starting a trial.



  • Digital Signature integrations for DocuSign, Adobe Sign, Annature and FuseSign are now available for practices on the Intermediate plan, as well as those on the Pro plan. Refer to Automation Apps.

  • Lists that are displayed in Practice Settings and in Automations, when using Test or Run, now show the row that the mouse is hovering over in a grey shade for extra clarity of what is being selected.


  • For a document with Comments, when editing the document name or making changes to the filing details or workflow, the Comments count icon now still displays the count instead of temporarily being replaced by the Comments icon.
  • When adding or displaying Comments in the FYI Drawer in Outlook or Office, the X button has been removed. The Comments pane is closed by clicking the Back button (the <- ) in the pane.
  • When setting up Automations, correction to an error where entries were duplicated in the filter selection when filtering on Custom Fields.
  • Update Job step in Automations now correctly includes date Custom Fields that are only available for a Job and excludes date Custom Fields that are only available for a Client.
  • When using search in Automations, the search text is now correctly cleared when moving away from the page and then re-displaying it.
  • A Permissions User Group can no longer be deleted if it has been assigned to a user.
  • Correction to an invalid date error that was displayed when using the {{ Tax_PayableDate }} merge field.
  • In Documents list, the Created By and Modified By columns can be filtered to System Only in order to show the documents from ATOmate.
  • Dragging and Dropping a document to the Client - Documents tab now correctly uses the Filing Defaults as relevant for Client, User or Practice.
  • Practice Settings - Admin - Users list now correctly shows only the "Active" users by default.  Inactive users can be displayed by clicking the Hide Inactive Users button.
  • In the Clients list when making selection for the Status column, the link at the bottom of the Add/Remove Client Status now displays correctly for the selected status(es).



  • Addition of a new function to set the Type of User Groups. This allows User Groups to be set up with only the "Cabinets", or only the "Permissions" options. This can be useful for large practices, if you find it easier to differentiate the access using two different groupings, or for any exceptional groupings that are needed for your users. To set up both the Cabinets and the Permissions in the same User Group, the Type is set as "All". The Type cannot be changed once users are assigned to the User Group. Refer to Managing User Groups.

    As part of this enhancement, in the User profiles, when selecting a User Group with only the Cabinets you also need to select a User Group with only Permissions set up. Refer to Managing Users.

  • For attachments that are Draft Filed, the name of the attachment can now be changed directly in the Attachments section in the drawer for the email. An edit icon (the pencil) displays next to the attachment name. Refer to Filing Email Attachments.

  • In Automations, a step that creates a Word, Spreadsheet or PDF can now be added with the Workflow Owner set as "Unassigned". This allows the Owner of the document to be assigned at a later stage. Refer to Process Step Details - Creating Documents and Tasks.


  • When filing an email from Outlook, the button in the FYI Drawer now shows as File (not Create).

  • Sending an email from FYI now shows the delivery as “Sent” immediately.

  • When Comments have been added to a Task in Office and on a mobile, the Comments icon that shows the number of comments, now correctly displays in green.
  • When deleting a Cabinet or Category, this no longer displays two prompts to confirm the deletion.

  • In Home - My Time, the date selection is now correctly including the first date selected.
  • When using FYI - My Imports, the state of imported documents is no longer changing back to "Draft Filed".
  • Correction to issue in the Email Editor where expanding the styling menu options distorted the Editor and added an extra space below the menu option which overlapped the Filter merge fields search box.
  • Documents that are in the In Tray, and are read only, no longer show the Edit icon when hovering over the document.
  • Correction to an issue when sending emails where accidentally double-clicking the Send immediately button too fast sent two emails.
  • In a list with the Owner column included, filtering on "Unassigned Only" now does not also allow users to be selected.
  • In Automations, where a Create Email step is added which adds an attachment of a document created in a previous step, this attachment can now be deleted if added incorrectly to the step.

  • When the Client - Process History Checklist is displayed, the client can now be correctly re-selected to display a different client.
  • On a mobile, the View name now displays consistently.



  • In Outlook or Office, when the FYI Drawer is displayed for a filed email or document, or for a Task added to an email or document, this now includes a Comments icon in the tools at the top of the FYI Drawer. This Comments icon is used to both add and display Comments from Outlook or Office. Refer to Adding and Displaying Comments from Outlook or Office in Adding Comments and Notifying Team Members.
    • To add a Comment, click the Comments icon in the tools at the top of the FYI Drawer.
    • When a Comment has been added to the email, the Comments icon shows as a green with the number of Comments that have been added to that email, document or task.
    • Note: Currently, to close the Comment pane, click the Back button (the <- ) in the pane.


  • Correction to issues on the Clients and Jobs lists with Custom Fields that are dates:
    • When the options for Past or Future are used as a Relative date filter for a date Custom Field, this no longer includes today’s date in the results.

    • Filtering on a date Custom Field and using the Fixed and Relative date filter function now works correctly.

    • A Client or Job view with a date Custom Field can now be saved correctly.
    • The Clear button is now working correctly when applying Fixed and Relative date filters for date Custom Fields on Jobs views.
    • Automations are now correctly creating a Task or Email when the automation is based on a Job view with a date Custom Field date that is set as a Relative filter.
  • The hour at which scheduled automations run has been changed to accommodate different time zones.
  • In the Client - Process History, this now displays the documents correctly when the Documents tab is then selected.



  • In Documents lists where the column Owner has been included, this can now be filtered to show those that do not have a user by setting "Unassigned only" as "On". Refer to Sorting and Filtering.


  • You cannot delete a view that is used in a Process and a message displays to show you the process(es) it is used in.
  • When setting up a Custom Process with a view, the Alter Document step now sets the Name of the document by default as the Original Filename.
  • When setting up a Custom Process with the Create PDF step, a template can now be selected.
  • When setting up a Custom Process for a Client view that contains Manager and Partner filters, this now correctly retrieves the clients based on the Manager or Partner filter that was applied.
  • New users imported from GreatSoft are now being assigned correctly to the Standard User Group.
  • When a document is in Co-edit, this now opens when using the Co-edit icon that displays next to the document name, not only with the Edit button in the tool bar or the drop-down tool menu.
  • Creating a new Phone Call, File Note or Meeting with the default value set for date and time, now correctly adds the value for date and time.
  • When filing auto-filed emails and documents that have multiple clients, the list of clients to select from (where the same email address is shared by more than one client) now excludes unmatched client.
  • After displaying the Process History Checklist in the Client workspace, the Documents tab now displays correctly.
  • When including the Manager or Partner columns in a Documents list, where relevant, these now show "No Manager" or "No Partner" instead of "Unknown".
  • Changing the Approver or Owner in the Workflow section of a document no longer affects the Manager or Partner values for the document.
  • When adding a new User Group, the Permissions tab correctly displays.
  • When setting the number of items on a page to 100 in Jobs and Tasks lists, this is now sticking correctly.
  • Comments are now available of Jobs when using FYI on a mobile device.
  • In an Automation, if there is validation error in the Step, the Close icon at the top of the drawer and the Close button at the bottom now correctly close the drawer. 
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