When creating an email in FYI, you can change the recipient and add additional To recipients, or to CC or BCC recipients.
Using the Recipients Link in the Email Drawer
If the email is being sent to an email address that is different to the email of the client that the email is being filed under, you can delete the email address for the selected client and add one or more new Recipients. This will still file the email for the selected client, but allows you to send it to a different recipient.
When creating the email, after the client has been selected, click the Recipient link.
This displays the Recipients section and shows the email of the selected client.
If the client does not have an email address, or the email address is invalid, an email address will not be displayed under the client name. Click the 0 Recipients link to select a valid recipient.
Deleting the Recipient added from the Selected Client
To delete the recipient that has been added as the email from the selected client, click the X next to the email address. You will then need to add at least one Recipient to send the email to.
Including Recipients
You can include recipients in the following ways. All or any of these can be used to add recipients.
- Search for any client email
- Search for internal user
- Enter a new email
- Select a contact of the client
Click the drop-down under the exiting Recipient(s) and select which of these you want to do.
Search for any client email
This lets you include an email that is held for any client in FYI.
- Click the drop-down under the exiting Recipient(s).
- Select the option Search for any client email.
- Enter any search criteria to find the client.
- Select the client required. This must have a different email address to recipient(s) already selected.
- The selected name displays as a To Recipient.
- If needed, change this to CC or BCC.
Search for internal user
This lets you include the email of any internal user in FYI.
- Click the drop-down under the exiting Recipient(s).
- Select the option Search for internal user.
- Select a user from the list of internal users or enter any search criteria to find the user.
- Select the user required.
- The selected name displays as a To Recipient.
- If needed, change this to CC or BCC.
Note: Any users who are "Inactive" users also appear as internal users when selecting Recipients as there may be instances where the user is Inactive in FYI, but your practice still requires an email to be sent to them.
Enter a new email
You can enter any other email.
- Click the drop-down under the exiting Recipient(s).
- Select the option Enter a new email.
- Type the email address.
- Click the "Add email .... " below this to add the address you typed.
- The email address displays as a To Recipient.
- If needed, change this to CC or BCC.
Select a contact of the client
At the bottom of the drop-down a list displays all the Contacts for the client. To select one of these:
- Click the drop-down under the exiting Recipient(s).
- Select the required Client Contact directly from the list in the drop-down.
- The selected name displays as a To Recipient.
- If needed, change this to CC or BCC.
Deleting Recipients you have Added
If you need to delete a recipient you have added, click the X next to the email address.
Adding and Changing Recipients in a Draft in FYI email
If you have created an email as Draft in FYI, you can make changes to the recipients in the same way as above using the People section.