In certain circumstances, practices on the FYI Elite plan may decide to downgrade to the Pro Plan, and therefore change their Practice Management Source from FYI to XPM. Critical steps must be followed before changing your Practice Management Source and changing FYI Plans.
The following article details the steps an FYI Admin User needs to take before changing the Practice Management Source and FYI Plan.
First, ensure you have read the Considerations when changing from the Elite Plan section of this article. Then, follow each of the steps below before changing your plan:
- Step 1 - Run the FYI Master Excel - WIP Control Report
- Step 2 - Disconnect FYI from Xero Ledger/s
- Step 3 - Update WIP Balances in XPM
- Step 4 - Archive FYI Job Templates
- Step 5 - Disable Time & Invoices in Practice Settings
- Step 6 - Update your preferred PM Solution in the Practice Sync app
- Step 7 - Update your FYI Subscription Plan
- Step 8 - Reconnect Xero to Xero Practice Manager
Considerations when changing from the Elite Plan
Important considerations must be made when deciding to change from the Elite Plan. These considerations are based on your FYI Elite journey and may not apply to every practice, depending on how each feature has been used.
Ensure that you and your team have understood the following information, before working through each step:
- The following Workspaces will no longer be available in FYI:
- Time
- Invoices
- Employees
- Time
- Invoices
- Time
- Invoices
Practice Settings:
- Jobs - Templates
- Time & Invoices
- "Productivity Target %' and 'Expected Working Hours' will be removed from User settings.
Reports can no longer be created. However, Report templates will remain in the Templates cabinet, and can be used as an Excel template only. Any reports previously created will still be available as an Excel document.
- Users will continue to be able to create Individual Time Entries in FYI, however the functionality will be reduced, removing the Start/Stop Timer and other features such as selecting Rates. Refer to Creating Individual Time Entries for details on each FYI plan feature.
Important Note: For users to be able to create time in FYI after downgrading from Elite, XPM tasks will need to be created directly in Xero Practice Manager. Workflow Jobs do not sync with Xero Practice Manager on the FYI Elite plan.
- The following User Group Permissions will be removed: Approve Invoice, Create Reports, Employees - Access, and Employees - Management.
- For practices using Workflow Jobs, these do not sync with Xero Practice Manager on the FYI Elite plan. XPM tasks will need to be set up directly in Xero Practice Manager for timesheet purposes. If practices wish to continue to use XPM Workflow Jobs after changing their FYI subscription from Elite, this setting will need to be enabled after selecting the FYI Pro Plan. Refer to XPM Workflow Jobs.
Merge Fields associated to Elite features will no longer work in Automations or Document Templates and Task Templates. We recommend to review and update any automations and templates where required.
- Certain Automation steps will be impacted and could either fail to execute or trigger an error in the process. We recommend reviewing and removing any impacted steps. Where applicable, change the process status to Draft and Archive any Automations no longer required.
Job Templates will no longer be managed in FYI. The Budget amount on jobs will not sync to the Budget field in XPM. Practices can use the CSV import function to update the Budget field. Refer to Importing and Updating Data using the Automation Process CSV Import Filter (Beta).
Rates and Disbursements will no longer be managed in FYI. Consider reviewing any new Rates and Disbursements that have been created in FYI, and creating these directly in XPM.
- For practices using Employee Management, this workspace will no longer be available. We recommend reviewing each Employee's workspace and exporting documents to a secure location.
- The synchronisation frequency between FYI and Xero Practice Manager will change. Refer to Synchronising Clients, Staff, Jobs, Time, Tax Returns with Xero Practice Manager.
Steps to take when changing your Practice Management source from FYI to XPM
Ensure you work through each step, where applicable. There may be steps below that are not relevant, depending on the stage of your FYI Elite journey.
Important: Ensure you have understood the information Considerations when changing from the Elite Plan before performing these steps.
Step 1 - Run the FYI Master Excel - WIP Control Report
- Create a WIP Control report using the Master Excel Report - WIP Control template. Refer to Creating Reports from Excel Report Templates.
Note: Ensure that the latest version of the Master Excel Report - WIP Control has been uploaded. Refer to Managing FYI Excel Master Report Templates.
- Export the WIP Control report from FYI and save this to a secure location. Refer to Exporting Documents.
This report will be required at Step 3 - Update WIP Balances in XPM.
Step 2 - Disconnect FYI from Xero Ledger/s
- From your Xero Ledger, disconnect FYI as a connected app. Refer to the Xero Help article for instructions.
Note: For practices where FYI is integrated with multiple Xero Ledgers, this action must be taken in each Ledger.
- The Practice Ledger app in FYI will no longer be available, once XPM is selected as the Practice Management source at Step 6.
Once FYI has been disconnected from your Xero Ledger, Invoices will no longer sync with FYI.
Step 3 - Update WIP Balances in XPM
Using the WIP Control report exported in Step 1 - Run the FYI Master Excel - WIP Control Report, update your WIP balances in XPM.
Practices will need to contact their Xero Account Manager for instructions on this process.
Step 4 - Archive FYI Job Templates
Job Templates created in FYI will no longer be able to be used, once FYI is no longer the Practice Management Source. To archive Job Templates:
- In FYI, navigate to Practice Settings - Jobs.
- Click on the Templates tab.
- Filter the Source to "FYI".
- Select All Job Templates.
- Click on the "Archive" button to archive all FYI Job Templates. Refer to Managing Job Templates.
Job Templates will need to be be maintained in XPM once the Practice management source in FYI is changed to XPM.
Step 5 - Disable Time & Invoices in Practice Settings
- In FYI, navigate to Practice Settings - Time & Invoices.
- In the Settings tab, untick "Time & Invoices".
- Click Accept when prompted to undo the period lock date.
Time and Invoices will no longer be managed directly in FYI.
Step 6 - Update your preferred PM Solution in the Practice Sync app
Important: Ensure that all steps above have been completed before updating your Practice Management Solution. Once this step has been completed, FYI will no longer be your practice management source for time and billing. Ensure that you inform your staff of this change.
To update your Practice Management source to XPM:
- In FYI, Click the Automation menu option.
- Click the Apps tab and locate the Practice Management Sync app tile.
- Click the Settings cog icon.
- In the Practice Manager drop-down, select Xero Practice Manager as your preferred Practice Management solution.
Note: Once this option has been set to Xero Practice Manager, the field will be disabled and cannot be changed. - Click Save.
- A confirmation message will display. Click Yes.
Step 7 - Update your FYI Subscription Plan
Important: Ensure that all steps above have been completed before changing your FYI Plan. Once this step has been completed, certain features will no longer be available. Refer to FYI Pricing for further details on subscription costs and features.
- From FYI, click Settings in the top right-hand corner.
- Select Practice Settings - General.
- Navigate to the Account tab.
- Under your current Elite Plan, click Change Plan.
- Click the relevant Switch to.. button for the plan you want to change to.
Refer to Changing your Plan, Billing Details or Practice Details.
Step 8 - Reconnect Xero to Xero Practice Manager
The connection with Xero and Xero Practice Manager will need to be reconnected. FYI is no longer the primary source for synchronising Invoices.
To reconnect Xero, refer to the Xero Help article - Connect Practice Manager to Xero.
If the FYI Plan has already been changed before completing these Steps
If a practice has downgraded their Elite Plan to Pro, before all or any of the steps above have been completed:
- Change the FYI Plan back to Elite. This will restore the Elite features. Refer to Changing your Plan, Billing Details or Practice Details.
- Complete any of the steps above that have not been done.