A new Learn course is now available, specifically built for users on the Elite Plan to learn how to create time and disbursements and manage WIP and invoicing in FYI.
This course includes an overview of managing your Jobs in FYI, and focuses on hands-on exercises on how users can manage their WIP and prepare invoices directly in FYI. The examples and scenarios are based on when FYI is enabled as your Practice Management solution.
What does this mean for FYI users?
- Practices migrating to our Elite Plan now have a valuable new resource for users to learn more about creating Time and Invoices in FYI.
- All users can access learning modules any time to refresh your skills and help you get the most out of FYI.
- New employees joining your practice can use the Learn modules to get up to speed on FYI.
Who is this available for?
Learn is available to all FYI users. It is recommended that all FYI users moving to the Elite Plan should take complete this course.
Want to get started?
Click the Help icon in the top right-hand corner and select Learn.
You will be taken to your personal learning workspace.
Go to the section Learn for Elite and get started with the "Time and Billing" course.
Allow 1 hour to complete the course.
Refer to FYI Learn for more information.