
Unmatched Client Import

The Unmatched Client Import can be used:

  • As an alternative way to resolve or merge unmatched clients, especially where you have a lot of unmatched clients.
  • To update unmatched clients to the relevant active client using the Client Name or Client Code and to archive the unmatched clients in bulk.

Summary of the Unmatched Client Import

The Unmatched Client Import process uses an Excel spreadsheet as the import template. Click here to download the file, or by clicking the link at the bottom of this article

  • In the spreadsheet, you add the unmatched clients that you want to match to an active client and you add the Client Code and Name of the active client to match them to.

  • The process will automatically match the unmatched client to an active or archived client and files the associated documents to the respective client.

  • The process can also be used to automatically archive the unmatched client. This is done by additionally entering in the spreadsheet the name you want the client to be shown as when archived. If this differs from the unmatched client name, the process updates the name of the unmatched client name and then automatically archives the unmatched client.

  • Where the process cannot automatically match the unmatched client to an active client (if the information for the active client is not entered in the spreadsheet, or the active client name does not exist) no changes will be made to the unmatched client.


To run the Unmatched Client Import, your practice must nominate a OneDrive Admin Account User. Refer to Link your Practice's OneDrive Admin Account.

The process requires the use of the Unmatched Client Import template. 

Preparing the Unmatched Client Import

  1. Download the spreadsheet Unmatched Client Import template located at the bottom of this article.

    The spreadsheet holds the following columns:

    Column A Unmatched Client Name
    Column B Client Code Match
    Column C Client Name Match
    Column D Create Archived Client
  2. Export a list of your unmatched clients in FYI.
    In the FYI Clients list, use the Status column to filter only "Unmatched" clients. Then use the Export view tool to export the unmatched clients to a .csv file (refer to Exporting Lists).

  3. Update the Unmatched Client Import spreadsheet as follows:

    Important Note
    : Do not change the order of the columns or the column names in the spreadsheet. If they are changed, the process will not be able to complete the auto-match.

    a) Remove any examples that are already in the spreadsheet.

    b) In Column A, add the unmatched Client Names taken directly from your export list.

    c) In Column B, add the Client Code of the active client to which you want to match the unmatched client.
    Column B can remain blank if Client Codes are not available.

    d) In Column C, add the Name of the active client to which you want to match the unmatched client. This should match the client's name from your practice management software.

    e) In Column D, if you want the unmatched clients to also be automatically archived, enter the name you want the archived client to be created as.
    Leave Column D blank if you do not want the unmatched client to be archived.

  4. Save the spreadsheet as a .csv file with the filename Unmatched

Note: If any cells contain leading zero's, ensure your column format is 'Text'.

Running the Unmatched Client Import

Step 1 - Select the OneDrive Admin Account to Use

The first step is to connect the OneDrive Admin Account to use. This is a one-off step and can only be done by an FYI Admin. This OneDrive Admin Account is used for all the common activities across the practice. Refer to Link your Practice's OneDrive Admin Account.

Step 2 - Enable the Practice Sync Process

  1. Login to FYI as an FYI Admin.
  2. Click the Automation menu option.
  3. Go to the Apps tab.
  4. In Practice Sync, click the cog icon to edit this process.


  5. Set this to "On" to enable the Practice Sync.


Step 3 - Add the folder "FYI - Practice Sync" to the OneDrive

  1. In a separate session/profile, login to OneDrive as the user you specified when linking the OneDrive Admin Account in FYI in Step 1 above.

  2. In the OneDrive for this account, create a folder called FYI - Practice Sync.
    This folder needs to be at the top level within the OneDrive.
    5000 - Generic Practice Sync OneDrive Folder.gif

Step 4 - Add the unmatched.csv file to the "FYI - Practice Sync" folder

Add the unmatched.csv file to the FYI - Practice Sync folder.

File is Picked up by FYI

The system will automatically import the spreadsheet to your FYI and automatically update the unmatched clients within the hour.

To check that the upload was successful, review your "Unmatched Client" list in the Client Workspace to confirm these have been resolved. 

Download Files

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