
Exporting Data for a Practice Merger or Split

If you need to export your FYI data in the event of a practice merger or split, including migrating from one FYI database to another, this article covers some guidelines of steps you will need to consider. We recommend you also contact FYI support to discuss your requirements before proceeding.

Set up the configuration structure for the Bulk Export

This can only be run by an FYI Admin. For full details, refer to Step 1 - Set up the Configuration Structure for the Exported files in Bulk Export AWS.

Decide how you will be exporting the data

Using Bulk Export, you can export data for a specific Partner and/or a specific Cabinet.

  • Export by Partner exports documents for clients where the selected user is held as the Partner for the Client.

    To check the documents that will be exported if you are going to export using the selection for Partner:
    • Include Partner as a column in the Clients list and filter on the relevant user.
    • Include Partner in the Documents and filter on the relevant user.

  • Export by Cabinet exports documents that are in a specific Cabinet.

    You may need to refile the documents you want to export into a separate Cabinet.

    • In the Documents list, check the Cabinet you will be exporting to ensure only the documents you want to export are included.
    • To refile any emails and documents to the Cabinet you will be exporting from, use Bulk Update from the documents list (refer to Bulk Updating of Filing Details).

Refer also to Step 2 - As relevant, move Documents to be exported to a specific Cabinet, and/or check the user assigned as the Partner for the Documents in Bulk Export AWS.

Run the Bulk Export from the Practice Settings - Documents - Export

Refer to Step 3 - Run the Export in Bulk Export AWS.

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