For practices integrated with Xero Practice Manager, if a client is archived in Xero Practice Manager, the client is marked as archived in FYI. To display archived clients, from the Clients workspace, select the Status filter as "Archived". Refer to Archived Clients.
Any emails or documents for that client will still remain under the archived client's name but with an Archived status.
To file additional documents under an archived client refer to Saving documents to Archived Clients.
Restoring an Archived Client
Step 1 - Restore the Archived Client
Restoring an archived client can be done through Xero Practice Manager.
- Go to the Clients tab.
- Click on Archived from the drop-down menu.
- Enter the name of the client you would like to restore and search.
- Once you're on the client's page, click on the Options button on the right side and select Restore.
Step 2 - Update the Archived Documents
After the client has been reactivated, the documents will remain in an archived state and will need to be updated.
These documents will need to be moved from "Archived" to a "Filed" Filing status. This can be done using the Bulk Update process; refer to Bulk Updating of Filing Detail.