
"User does not have the permission to impersonate another user using Bundle.CreatedBy. Ensure this user is a FuseSign Administrator." when sending a document for signature with FuseSign

When sending a document for signing with FuseSign, using the Signature button, I get the error "User does not have the permission to impersonate another user using Bundle.CreatedBy. Ensure this user is a FuseSign Administrator."

This is due to one of the following:

  • The user who did the connection to FuseSign is not an Administrator on FuseSign.
  • When the connection to FuseSign was made, this was set up with Assign documents to individual users switch to "On" and the user sending the document does not have a FuseSign account.

Refer to Integration with FuseSign and reconnect as a FuseSign Administrator user.
Or, if using Assign documents to individual users switched to "On", ensure the user sending the document has a FuseSign account.


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