There are different ways in which Custom Processes are run depending on how they are set up and your access.
Manual Custom Processes
- Where a Manual Custom Process has been set up with the Filter set as "Client - Select Filters", "Client - View" or "Job - View", it can be run directly for the specific client from the Client workspace in the Client - Processes tab or from the Job - Processes tab.
- Employee Processes can be run from the Employee - Processes tab. Refer to Employee Processes and Process History.
- Any Manual Custom Process can be run by opening it from Automation - Processes.
Processes can only be accessed in this way by an FYI Admin, or a user in a User Group that has Permissions enabled for Automations.
Scheduled Custom Processes
- A Scheduled Custom Process runs automatically according to the schedule that has been set up and cannot be run manually at another time outside of the schedule.
Client - Processes Tab
For the relevant client, display the Client - Processes tab.
The Client - Processes tab displays any active Automations and Custom Processes that have been set up to run manually and that can be run for a selected client.
To run one of these for the selected client:
- Click the Run button next to the relevant Process on the Client - Processes tab.
If relevant for the Process, a prompt displays for you to select, for example, the Job that any emails or documents created by the process will be filed under, or to run the process as defined.
- Click Run.
The process runs for the relevant client.
Note: Where a Client filter has also been applied to a process for selected clients, the process displays in the Client - Processes tab for all clients, not just to those the filter applies.
Job - Processes Tab
Automations and Custom Processes that have been set up to run manually and that can be run for a selected client also display in the Job workspace Job - Processes tab. The process is run in the same way as from the Client - Processes tab and when you are prompted to select the Job (under which to file any documents created by the process) the currently selected Job displays as default.
Employee - Processes Tab
- Navigate to Practice - Employees to access the Employee workspace.
- Click the relevant employee's name.
- Click the Processes tab. A list of the manual Employee Processes will be displayed.
- Click Run. The process runs for the relevant employee.
Refer to Employee Processes and Process History.
Requesting to Run a Process that is already in Progress for a Client
If you try to run a Process from the Client - Processes or Job - Processes tab and that Process is already in progress for that Client, a message displays "This process is already in progress for this client".
If relevant you can stop the Process that is progress. Refer to Stopping a Process that is in Progress.
Running a Manual Process from Automation Processes
An FYI Admin, or a user in a User Group that has Permissions enabled for Automations, can run any Manual process from Automation - Processes. You can run a draft or an active process.
- Edit the process from Automation - Processes.
- Click Run.
For a process with a Client Filter, a list of Clients displays as per the Filter with a count of the number of clients it will run for.
Before proceeding, always check this is what you are expecting.
In the following example, the process will run for 486 clients.
For a process with a Filter set as a Document View or Job View, the list of documents or jobs displays as per the Filter with a count of the number of Documents or Jobs it will run for.
Always check the number of documents or jobs the process will run for.
- To run the process, click Run.
Making Changes when a Custom Process is in Progress
Changes to the Process
If you update the definition or steps in a Custom Process while that process is executing, any changes will not be taken into effect for the executing process. It continues with the settings as when the process started.
The following is an exception to this:
- If the contents of Templates are changed, this will update in the process that is executing,
(but selecting a different Template does not update).
Changes to Assigned Manager or Partner (in a Job or Client)
"Manager" or “Partner” can be selected to look up the user for Assignee in the Create Task steps, Sender in Create Email steps and as the Owner or Approver in the Workflow section of steps.
While a process is in progress, if the user that is selected as the Manager or Partner for a Job is changed (using Job Bulk Update) or for a Client (when synced from your practice management software) the look-up is done when the step is processed, not when the process started. This is especially relevant if the process includes a Create Task that is a blocking Task, or if a Delay step is added to the process.
- For a process that is run for a Client, the Manager or Partner is taken from the Client Details.
- For a process that is run for a Job, the Manager or Partner is taken from the Job Details.