
"Could not find connection details for BGL, but a BGL automation is enabled" and BGL integration is not running.

The BGL App (for BAS CAS 360)  is connected to FYI but the Automation Process in FYI has not run, even though the Process is set to "Active".

When checking the Process History, it is showing an error and in the details there is an error "Could not find connection details for BGL, but a BGL automation is enabled".

The Process Automation may have been set to "Draft" for changes to be made and then set to "Active" again.

Disconnect and reconnect the BGL app in FYI.

  1. Login to FYI as an FYI Admin, or a user in a User Group that has Permissions enabled for Automations.
  2. From FYI, click the Automation menu option.
  3. Go to the Apps tab.
  4. For the BGL Integration App, click the cog icon to edit it.
  5. Click the Disconnect button.
  6. Reconnect by clicking Connect and entering your BGL credentials.
  7. Check the next day to ensure the integration is working properly.


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