
Digital Signatures using FuseSign

FYI can be integrated with digital signature providers FuseSign for digital signing.

The following describes how to use FYI to send documents to your clients using the FuseSign integration, giving practices the ability to have documents prepared, sent, signed and returned faster than ever. For information on how to set up FuseSign's direct integration with FYI, refer to Integration with FuseSign.

Sending a Document as a Draft or Final

You can send the document to FuseSign as a Draft or Final. This is set when using the Signature button by selecting the Service Status as "Draft" or "Send".

  • "Draft" (with Service Status set as "Draft") means before the documents are sent to the client for signing, FuseSign will launch in a new tab, preparing the document bundle in a draft form. This allows you to adjust the message, due dates, verification types and signature placeholder fields before sending it to the client. This is FuseSign's preferred method for optimising the signing experience. 

  • "Final" (with Service Status set as "Send") means the document will flow directly from FYI, through FuseSign and to the client, without any input required inside of FuseSign. Use this to minimise time spent preparing documents with signature placeholders; simply have your client approve and sign the entire document. Note: this will not allow you to make any changes to the bundle before sending it.

Sending one or more Documents for Signature

All documents sent for signing must be in PDF format.

Sending Multiple Documents
When sending multiple documents, it is recommended to change the Subject in FYI to indicate that a pack is being sent, for example, "2021 document pack". This will help you identify the individual document in FYI as well as the combined pack of documents.

Where multiple documents are being sent, they must be for the same client.

  1. In FYI, on a list, select one or more PDF documents for a specific client.

  2. Click the Signature button in the toolbar. Or for a single PDF document, right-click and select Signature from the toolbar pop-up menu (refer to Using the Document Action Tool Bar).


    The Send for Signature drawer displays and includes the names of the document(s) that are being sent. This shows the filing details of the FYI Web Link document that will be created as a record of the document(s) that have been sent for signature.

    The Service used is automatically determined by the service you are using to sign the document (for example, DocuSign, Adobe Sign, Annature, FuseSign or myprosperity). If you happen to have more than one service connected with FYI, you will see a selection for Service in the Send for Signature so you can select which to use.

    The following example shows the Send for Signature for FuseSign with the Recipients displayed.


  3. The Client name is automatically selected as the client of the selected PDF. The email address is displayed under the Client name.
    Note: If the client has a contact with the same email address as the client, the name of the Contact will be used (not available for practices integrated with a practice management platform via Practice Sync). If there is no matching contact with the same email, the Name of the Client will be used.

  4. Recipients - Clicking the Recipients link displays the email address of the selected client. This shows as the "Signer".

    Where the client has more than one contact email, you can select one of these to additionally send the request for signature to. Select the email from the drop-down list. You can also create one or more additional email addresses by typing the address in the Recipients field and clicking the Create Set any additional Recipients as “Signer” or "Viewer”.
    Where the client does not have an email address, click the link that shows 0 Recipients and select the recipient.
    Refer to Adding and Changing Recipients when Creating an Email.

  5. Select the Service Status as "Draft" or "Send".

    Send - Allows you to completely automate the signature request and it is sent to the service immediately.

    - This places the document into FuseSign as a draft, so that you can adjust the message, signing fields and date fields before sending it to the client.

  6. If required, select a Template. This needs to be an Email Template and this will populate the Message when the document is sent for signature.

    The Template can include Merge Fields (for example, the Client's Name) that are used to populate the contents of the Message. Alternatively, a FuseSign template can be added directly in FuseSign if selecting "Draft" as the Services Status.

    Note: The Message will be sent in Plain Text format (not HTML) due to the limitations of the FuseSign API. Some formatting elements are not supported, for example, bullet points and bold text. As a workaround, we recommend creating a separate Email Template without formatting specifically for sending Messages via FuseSign.

  7. Subject - When sending a single document, the Subject is set as the name of the document.
    When sending multiple documents, the Subject is set as the name of the document of the first document selected. You can change the Subject.

    When sending multiple documents

    The Subject is set as the name of the document of the first document selected. You can change the Subject to be unique and to indicate that a pack of documents is being sent, for example, "2021 document pack". When sending multiple documents, if you leave the subject line as the original name, the merged documents will show as this name in FYI when the pack is returned from the signing service and this can cause confusion about what is the individual document and what is the pack.

    Note: Changing the Subject will also change the name of the Web Link and the Signed document(s) when received back from the signing service.
    To keep the original document name, do not alter the Subject in FYI  but update the Subject directly in FuseSign. This will import the document(s) as the original name.

  8. Message - If not using a template message, you can enter a custom Message that will be included when the client receives the request for signature.

    Note: The Message will be sent in Plain Text format (not HTML) due to the limitations of the FuseSign API. Some formatting elements are not supported, for example, bullet points and bold text. As a workaround, we recommend creating a separate Email Template without formatting specifically for sending Messages via FuseSign.

  9. In the Workflow, the Status is automatically set as "Pending Client Signature".

  10. Include Reference can be set as "On" or "Off".
    Every document in FYI has a unique reference number and FYI uses this reference number in the filename when bringing the signed document back into FYI (see below).
    When Include Reference is set to "On", this reference number is automatically included in the file name of the document that is uploaded.

  11. Click Create.

A Web Link document is created as a record of the document(s) that have been sent for signature.

When sending a single document with the Service Status as "Send", the Web Link is not threaded to the original document or signed document. 


For multiple documents, the original documents show as stapled together but the Web Link is not threaded. You can display the Drawer of any of the documents, and see the relevant documents in the Stapled section of the Drawer. Refer to Stapled Documents.


Mobile phone numbers will be sent from FYI to FuseSign.

If the Client and the Contact have the same email address, the Contact's mobile or phone number (if there's no mobile) will be used. If the Contact does not have a mobile or phone number specified, the Client's mobile number or phone number (if there is no mobile) is sent through with the signature request.

If Ignore bad phone numbers is not enabled in the FuseSign integration in FYI (refer to Integration with FuseSign), phone numbers are validated to check, for example, for an invalid character in the phone number or if the number does not match a valid phone number format such as not enough or too many digits. 

Opening the Web Link document

When you open the Web Link, you are prompted to log in to the digital signature provider. From there you can see the document(s) that were sent for signing either in the Draft or Sent screen according to whether you selected "Draft" or "Send" as the Service Status.

Making Changes to the Draft PDF Document in FYI

Once a document is set as Draft for a signature, it automatically creates a Web Link and does not show as a PDF in FYI. If you need to make any changes to the PDF:

  1. Delete the Web Link document.
  2. In the PDF, using the Workflow section of the drawer, change the Workflow Status to "Not Started".
  3. Edit and save the PDF document.
  4. Resend the PDF for signing.

Note: To edit the document, you need to have an Approval Level of "Approval" to be able to change the Workflow Status from "Pending Client Signature" to a previous Status. Refer to Workflow Basics and to Managing Users.

When the Document is Signed in FuseSign

When the client receives the document to be signed, they will see the name of the practice that sent the documents. Once signed, FuseSign notifies FYI and the signed PDF is pulled into FYI. The signed PDF is pulled into FYI, the workflow status is automatically updated to 'Client Signed' and "Signed" is added to the end of the document name.

For a single document, the signed PDF is allocated a separate FYI Reference number and it is automatically added to the top of the thread. Threads for documents display in the same way as email threads. Refer to Managing Email Threads.

Note that the Web Link is not threaded to the original document or signed document, when a single document is signed. Refer to Summary of what happens when Signed document(s) come back to FYI.


For Multiple Documents
When multiple documents are sent to the client as a combined pack, and the signed documents are returned from the service:

The individual signed documents are threaded with the Web Link.

Note: When sending multiple documents as a combined pack, it's recommended to change the Subject to indicate that a pack is being sent, instead of using the name of one of the documents in the pack.

If a pack is retracted in FuseSign
If a combined pack of documents is retracted in FuseSign, it will not show in the Activity section of the document in FYI that the bundle was retracted, but the Web Link will take you to the retracted pack.

Using Hyperlinks in a Message Template

Hyperlinks are not retained in a Template when sending for signature. When the client receives their bundle, the link will not open a new page. This is because there is no native HTML support available for this integration. 

Users can format the email message to be sent after selecting the Template in FYI like this: Calendly (https://calendly.io/my_calendar)

Once the documents have been sent, clients will be able to click the formatted link and a new page will open. 

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