
December 2020 Release Notes





  • When using Relative Date when filtering a date column, the Clear button is now available to clear the applied filter.
  • For practices integrated with Xero Practice Manager:
    • Deleting the contents of a Custom Field in Xero Practice Manager is now syncing the deletion back to FYI.
    • Deleting a Contact from a Client in Xero Practice Manger now removes the Contact from the Client in FYI when the clients are synced.
    • Deleting a Client Group in Xero Practice Manger now removes the Group in FYI when the clients are synced.
  • The "I am finished editing" button now correctly clears when syncing with FYI is complete.
  • Practices on the "Intermediate" plan can no longer select One Drive in the Create Email Send Attachments field.
  • Correction to an error where uploading an Excel .xlsm file from the Upload section of the drawer was not loading this as type Spreadsheet.
  • When clicking "Select All" in a documents list, the Read button is now correctly available.
  • Correction to an error when using a filter that needs the text entered.
  • When using a Client view as the filter in an Automation Process, this no longer includes archived clients.
  • When using FYI on a mobile device, the Contacts table in the Client workspace is now available.
  • When creating an email and using the Add Attachment, you cannot attach a draft email. Any draft emails show with a grey background in the list in the Document Search.




  • On the Automations - Process Grid View, icons have been added to Custom Processes to indicate if the Trigger for the process is "Schedule" or "Manual". Refer to Automation Processes.
  • Addition of the Upload section in the drawer of Word, Spreadsheet and Presentation templates. Where you have an existing Word, Excel or PowerPoint file (as .docx, .xlsx or pptx) you can upload the file to the Word, Spreadsheet or Presentation template. Refer to Uploading a File with the Upload Section in Creating Templates for Word, Spreadsheet or Presentation.


  • Word and Excel documents can now be edited in Office desktop from Home - My Recent.
  • Updating the Workflow Status in the document drawer is now displaying correctly in the document list.
  • Practices on the "Intermediate" plan can no longer select One Drive in the Create Email Send Attachments field or select OneDrive for Send Attachments for the client defaults in the Client - Details tab.
  • In the Update Job step in an Automation Process, all three settings for State, Manager or Partner are now optional. Only active Job States can now be selected.
  • On the Tasks list, the Job Category column can now be sorted. The Job column is now available in the Tasks list.
  • In Cabinets, when dragging and dropping filing categories to re-order them, the categories are now correctly moved.
  • (For the new Templates release) In Knowledge - Templates:
    - A PDF document can now be created from a PDF template.
    - A document can no longer be created from an Email Signature
    - Contents of PDF templates can now be updated using the Upload section in the drawer and selecting a different PDF file.
  • When a filter has been applied to the Filing Status and the documents list is exported, the correct records are now shown in the exported .csv file.
  • When a filter has been used on the Name column in the Jobs list, the Export function is now exporting the correct records.
  • Correction of error when displaying a document from the Automation - History.
  • When a document is attached to a draft email through FYI, edited and then attached again without removing the existing attachment, this now correctly removes the updated version and only a single document is added as the attachment.



  • FYI can be integrated with digital signature providers FuseSign, for digital signing. Refer to Digital Signatures using FuseSign.

  • For date columns, as well as a Fixed date range, you can now select an operator to set the date range Relative to today. When Relative is selected, you can select from one of operators which applies the date range as relative to today. The selection can be set, for example, as "Yesterday", "Tomorrow", "Last Week", "Next Week", "Older than 90 days", "Past", "Future". This is especially useful when saving views and for views used in Custom Processes so you can set up views that will always have the date range relative to today Refer to Filtering on a Date in Sorting and Filtering.



  • When using Reply All to an email, correctly includes all the To and CC recipients.
  • Spreadsheet document can be created when using a template created with a .xlsm file.
  • Correction to an error where an Excel .xlsm file could not be uploaded from the Upload section of the drawer.
  • When sharing a folder from the Client - Collaborate tab, this now correctly creates the folder if the client name includes an apostrophe in the name.
  • In Automation - History, the search in now insensitive to case.
  • On the Jobs - Task list:
    - Exporting the list now correctly creates the details in the .CSV export file.
    - You can now add columns.
    - Reset view is now resetting correctly for the selected job only.
  • (For the new Templates release) a user who is not in a User Group with Permissions enabled for Templates can no longer edit an Email template.



  • In the Client workspace, the Detail tab has been renamed to Details. Refer to Client Details.
  • (For the new Templates release) emails and documents can now be created for a selected template from the Knowledge - Templates view using the Create button.
    Copying a template is now working correctly.


  • Correction to an issue with scheduled Automation Processes that were not running when expected.
  • In the Automation Process - Collaborate - Share tab, clicking the Reset button will now restore the items that were in the Structure list back to the Available list. Also, if Group Name has been added, this can now be correctly moved up and down in the Structure list.
  • If there is an issue sending an email as Draft in Outlook with large attachment(s) because Outlook has rejected the attachment, a message "Error creating document" is now displayed as information. The user will need to attach the file from Outlook and upload it to FYI separately.
  • On the Home - My Recent, the Export function to export the list is now working correctly.
  • In the Jobs list, when filtering on Job Name, the Add/Remove Job Name now correctly shows the Load more link to display more than 15 Jobs.
  • Correction to an error where user could not log in to FYI from Word online.
  • Corrected an error where a Custom Process with a Jobs view was running for additional jobs than were in the relevant Jobs view,



  • In Automation Processes, Update Job State has been renamed to Update Job and has been enhanced to allow the Manager and/or Partner to be optionally updated by the process as well as the State. Refer to Automation Process Steps.
  • When creating an Email Template, the Email Editor now appears after the template name and Filing details have been added and the Create button is clicked. Refer to Creating Email Templates and Signatures.
  • In the Process History section in the Job drawer, you can now you can click on an entry in the  Process History to display the Process Activity in the drawer with more information about what was run and any errors. Refer to Using the Job Drawer.



  • In a Jobs list, you can now use the Bulk Update to update the Manager and Partner of selected or all jobs. For practices integrated with Xero Practice Manager, any changes are synced to Xero Practice Manager. Refer to Jobs Bulk Update.
  • Home - My Jobs now only shows the Jobs the user is assigned to and does not include where those where the user is the Manager or Partner. Refer to Displaying Jobs from Other Lists
  • In the Clients and Jobs list, addition of the function to sort and filter on Client or Jobs Custom Fields if these columns have been included in the list.


  • A selected job can now be removed from a document.
  • Conditional/filtered categories are now reflected correctly in the Filter Drawer.
  • The summary number in the Home - My Time tab now displays the correct number of draft Time entries a user has for the current week.



  • In Automation - Collaborate - Settings, the Microsoft Group Name can be added to assign the default security group to all sub-folders in the OneDrive FYI - Co-Edits folder. An Update OneDrive Access button has been added which creates the FYI - Co-Edits folders in the designated OneDrive, create each Cabinet and assign the Microsoft Group to each Cabinet. This can also be used to deploy a new group if this is changed. 


  • The order in which Categories show for a Cabinet can now be changed in Practice Settings - Documents - Cabinets.
  • Time entries are now being created correctly when using Bulk Time Entry.
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