
November 2020 Release Notes




  • Addition of Conditional/Filtered Categories. For any of the Categories, you can apply a Filter so the choices of the values that appear for that category display depending on which Cabinet is selected. This can be useful if you have a lot of options for a category. When a Cabinet is selected in the filing details, and any of the Category options have not been included in the Filter, those options are not displayed as one of the choices for selection. Refer to Conditional/Filtered Categories in Managing Categories.


  • In Client - Collaborate Sharing Settings, a pop-up has been added to assist with removing access to the Shared Folders for a specific user. Due to Microsoft limitations, this cannot be done directly within FYI and needs to be done by navigating to OneDrive. Clicking the X next to the relevant user in Sharing Settings displays a pop-up with a link to your OneDrive and a link to the Microsoft help article on what to do. Refer to Removing Access to the Share Folder and Upload Folder.

  • Addition of the Activity section in the Job drawer. Refer to Using the Job Drawer.

  • Custom Fields tab has been added to the Job workspace. This displays the Custom Fields for Jobs. Refer to Job Custom Fields.

  • In Document lists, when the Filing Status column has been included, this can now be filtered on "Filed", "Draft" or "Removed" (deleted). Refer to Adding/Removing/Moving Columns in a List.


  • For Templates, the function to create a document from the Knowledge - Templates tab is now available again.
  • For a scheduled Automation Process set to "Include once", the email that is sent as notification now shows the correct number of documents.
  • Correction to the date format when adding time from Outlook or Office.
  • When a document has workflow status set as "Completed" the Upload section is now not available.



  • Changes to top navigator menu:
    - The Dashboard menu option has been renamed to Home.
    - The green +NEW button now shows just as a green + button.
    - When working with a minimised screen size, when you click the Group/Client/Job Search bar, it expands across the menu bar. Refer to Group/Client/Job Search and Navigation.


  • In the FYI In Tray, when the drawer is displayed for a selected email/document, the drawer includes a new button File & Close. Clicking File & Close files the selected email/document and closes the drawer. Whereas clicking File files the selected email/document and leaves the drawer open. Previously the File button also closed the drawer. Refer to Managing your In Tray.
  • Additional fields have been added to the Job drawer to show the Category, Partner and Manager for the job. Refer to Using the Job Drawer.

  • Refresh button has been added to the Jobs Board. Refer to Using the Jobs Board.


  • An incoming email that includes a 'CC' to another client, is now correctly auto-filing using the default filing details of the 'From' client.
  • In the synchronisation from Xero Practice Manager, correction to an issue where in some instances clients were not being assigned to their groups.
  • If a job has been set to an archived Job State, the Job State can now be changed in the Job drawer. This was previously only allowed on the Job - Summary tab.

  • When sending a Time entry from a staff member who is not assigned to the XPM Task, the Time entry is now syncing to Xero Practice Manager successfully.

  • Correction of display issue on the User Profile.
  • Correction to login problem when using the Starter plan.



  • Help articles have been added for the latest release of FYI Templates.
  • Addition of an Update Client step that can be added to an Automation Process. This can be used to update Client Custom Fields. This is currently available for Custom Fields that are dates. When the update is made by the automation process to the Client in FYI, for practices integrated with Xero Practice Manager, the change is synced to Xero Practice Manager. For examples of when this could be used, refer to Automation Process Steps.


  • When sharing your OneDrive folder with clients, in the Email Template that you set up to send clients the invitation for the Shared Folders, the Merge Codes for the Share Folder Link and Upload Folder Link have changed. When the email is created from the template, they create links that show with the text "Click here" that the client clicks to go to the folder. Refer to Setting up the Shared Folders Email Template and Assigning Share Settings Access and Introducing Shared Folders to your Clients and Sample Email for Practices.

  • Financial Institution Name and Account Name have been added to the client details in the Tax & Company section on the Client - Summary tab.

  • Updates to the Automation - History tab:
    - You can click the Status of a process to open the Process Activity drawer. If the process has created for example a document or task, you can click the link to open what was created by the automation.
    - You can click the Process Name to open the Process.
    - When an entry is selected in the History tab, the Activity Link button is enabled. This can be used to copy a link to the History entry, for example, to send for support purposes.
    Refer to Automation History.


  • Attachments filed manually from Outlook no longer show the ‘Draft’ icon.
  • Exporting an Excel .xlsm file now saves the extension correctly as .xlsm.



  • User Groups now show Cabinets and Administer as separate tabs and icons have been added to the User Groups view to show the Administer options that are selected for the group. Refer to Managing User Groups.

  • Details for a Process that has been run can be displayed in the Automation History by clicking the Status of a process to display the drawer. This shows the details of any errors. It also includes the date and time that a step completed which is useful to check if you have a Delay step in a process. Refer to Automation History.

  • If you have more than 99 notifications, you can now hover the mouse over the Alerts icon to display the number of notifications in the tool tip. Refer to Comments and Notifications.


  • When a document or Task has the drawer displayed and it is deleted, the drawer is now closed so no other changes can be made.
  • When an incoming email has 'CC' recipients, the default filing for the Cabinet and Categories for the From client are used for the auto-filing.
  • Selecting the date on My Time now correctly filters Time entries using the local date/time. 




  • Time entries created by the Bulk Time Entry function now show all jobs for the Client Group if the Practice Settings are set to include jobs for all the clients within the Client Group, instead of only those jobs for the specific client.
  • Emails sent from FYI, or from Outlook after being set as "Draft in Outlook" now have the workflow status set to “Completed” when they are sent.



  • Addition of a Delay step that can be added to an Automation Process to set a delay in the process. This delays the next step in the process from running until that delay is over. The Delay can be set to a number of hours, days or weeks. For example, this could be used so that on completion of a Task that is created in the process, there is then a delay of the selected hours, days or weeks and then an email is sent. Refer to Automation Process Steps.


  • Users can now delete any received or sent email in their In Tray, even when it has a Workflow Status of "Complete". 


  • In an Automation  Custom Process, when selecting a Document, Client or Job view:
    - This now checks that the view has been selected
    - If the view includes any search criteria, the search is now being correctly applied when the automation runs.
  • Correction of issues with syncing Jobs and Custom Fields between FYI and Xero Practice Manager.
  • When creating Bulk Create Time Entry, the Date of the Time entries is now set as the date the email/document was last modified.
  • Correction to an occasional error where the "Filed in FYI" category was not being applied to emails after they had been filed.
  • When adding attachments to an email, in the Document Search drawer the Document Type selection now correctly filters the documents displayed in the drawer.



  • Custom Processes now include the option to filter on a Client View by selecting "Client - View Filters" as the Filter - Filter Type. An example of using the Client - View Filters is when sending out newsletters. For example, if you had Client Custom Fields of "Opt in" and "Newsletters", you can set up a Client view with the clients that have these selected. You can then select this view as the Custom Automation Client - View Filters so only those clients receive the newsletter created by the Custom Process. The Client view gives you an easy way to check the clients who will receive the newsletter before sending it. Refer to Custom Processes using Views and Summary Notifications.


  • When sending a document for Signature via services that support messages (such as Annature or AdobeSign), a Template can be selected. This needs to be an Email Template and this will populate the Message when the document is sent for signature. The Template can include Merge Fields (for example, the Client's Name) that are used to populate the contents of the Message. Refer to Digital Signatures using Annature and Digital Signatures using Adobe Sign.

  • When multiple documents are sent for signing, they are now stapled to the Web Link. When the signed documents are received, the combined signed document is threaded with the Web Link (as a record of the send) and stapled together with all the documents. If the service sends back the originals as well as the signed documents, the individual signed documents are threaded with their original and stapled together with all the documents. Refer to Stapled Documents, Digital Signatures using DocuSign, Digital Signatures using Annature and Digital Signatures using Adobe Sign.

  • For digital signing services except DocuSign, the Web Link and the final signed document(s) are now assigned different FYI Reference numbers.


  • Correctly setting the delivery status of emails to Sent or Received when replying to emails.
  • When a user Finishes Co-edit, the Activity section in the drawer now correctly shows the user who finished the Co-editing.
  • In Automation - Collaborate - Settings, the Default Email Template can now be removed.
  • When an email is sent from an automation and it is then checked back in after editing or Co-editing, the Activity section in the drawer is now showing the correct user who checked it in.



  • Dashboard - My Recent has been updated to display Office document edits as well as the creation and filing of emails, phone calls, meetings and file notes.
    Note: It will take around 30 seconds for each user when they first open their My Recent, however subsequently it will take only 1-2 seconds.
  • Xero Practice Manager Job Synchronisation has been updated to ensure that critical updates from Xero Practice Manager, such as job creations, are synchronised with FYI on a timely basis.



  • Time entries in Dashboard - My Time are My Time listed for the date by the time they were created so the most recently created entries are at the top.
  • When a Time entry is created using the Bulk Time, and the selected document has a Job, the first task is automatically assigned to the time entry. This can be changed in My Time using the Update Time drawer.
  • In Dashboard - My Time, when hours have been entered, the Time entry is no longer moved down in the list.
  • Time can only be applied (either when entered individually or with Bulk Time Entry) to open XPM Tasks.


  • If a Bulk Time Entry is created for a document where the job has been closed, the Time Entry is created with No Job Selected.
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