
Summary of OneDrive Folders used in FYI

The following is a summary of all the OneDrive folders that are used in FYI.

OneDrive Folders available to all users

OneDrive Folders


Detailed Steps

FYI - My Edits

This holds a copy of any documents being edited. When the user clicks "I am finished editing", the copy of the document is automatically removed from the OneDrive FYI - My Edits folder.

Opening, Editing and Finish Editing Documents

FYI - My Imports

Automatic Import to User's In Tray
When users add files to their FYI - My Imports folder they are imported as FYI documents, added to the user's In Tray, and automatically filed. They are then automatically moved to the OneDrive FYI - Processed folder.

Using OneDrive FYI - My Imports to Automatically Import to your In Tray

FYI - Processed

Automatic Import to User's In Tray

When documents have been imported from a user's FYI - My Import folder the are moved to the FYI - Processed folder as a backup in case any unexpected issues occur
These documents are automatically deleted from FYI - Processed after 14 days

Using OneDrive FYI - My Imports to Automatically Import to your In Tray


Practice-wide OneDrive Folder

The following are the practice-wide OneDrive folders, as set up by an FYI Admin.

These also need a structure set up for your practice for the sub-folders. These functions are only available to FYI Admins, or where relevant, where a user is in a User Group with additional access enabled.
Refer also to Link your Practice's OneDrive Admin Account.

OneDrive Folders


Setting up the OneDrive folder structure in FYI

Detailed Steps

FYI - Clients

Then sub-folders with the "Client Name", then sub-folders under this as per the Share structure set up for your practice.

Share documents with clients
Co-Edit with Client

Automation - Processes - Collaborate - Share tab

Must have Client Name as the first level

N/A - Legacy Collaborate is no longer supported.

FYI - Clients

Then sub-folders with the "Client Name", then sub-folders under this as per the Share structure set up for your practice.

Share OneDrive Folders with the client

As above

Automation - Processes - Collaborate - Share tab

Must have Client Name as the first level

N/A - Legacy Collaborate is no longer supported.

FYI - Clients

Then sub-folders with the "Client Name", then a folder Upload under these.

Share Upload Folder with client

As above

Automation - Processes - Collaborate - Share tab

Must have Client Name as the first level.

N/A - Legacy Collaborate is no longer supported.

FYI - Co-Edits
Sub-folders under this as per the Co-Edit structure set up for your practice.

(internal documents)

Automation - Processes - OneDrive - Co-Edit tab

Must have Cabinet as the top-level.

If needed, you can then apply the same security that you have for your Cabinets in FYI to your OneDrive folders. 

Configuring your Settings to Co-Edit Documents with your Team

FYI - Export

Sub-folders under this as per the Export structure set up for your practice. The recommended structure is Client / Year / Cabinet.

Bulk Export

As above
Settings - Practice settings - Documents - Export tab.
Click Configure button.
Export tab

The recommended structure is Client / Year / Cabinet. 

Bulk Export OneDrive

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