
Filing Attachments that cannot be Auto-filed or Opened

This article covers solutions for when attachments cannot be auto-filed or opened.

Attachments that cannot be Auto-filed

If you see a message in the Attachments section such as
"Unfileable attachment, upload via FYI web"
or if the selection for an attachment is not available, this indicates that FYI cannot automatically file the email attachments. One example of such files is files with the extension .msg and this is due to the restrictions of Microsoft. 

Files that cannot be auto-filed need to be filed manually. 

  1. From the email, save the attachment(s) to your computer.
  2. You can then import the attachments as separate documents, using drag and drop or import. Refer to Drag and Drop and Using OneDrive FYI - My Imports to Automatically Import to your In Tray.

Note: You cannot reply or forward an email that was imported as a .msg file format. If this is needed, you can convert the .msg to .eml and re-import it. Refer to "Error creating document. Oh no, we had a problem creating your document" or "Cannot carry out your request" when creating a document.

If relevant, refer also to Error "Unfileable attachment, upload via FYI web" and attachment is titled "ATP Scan In Progress".

Attachments that cannot be Opened

If attachments have been brought into FYI in a way other than our preferred method (for example, if they have been imported during migration from MYOB) they may not have been broken out from the email.

You can use the Export to export the email and then open the email and see the attachment(s) it holds. Refer to Exporting Documents.

Files that came in as attachments that cannot be Opened or Previewed

If attachments have come from an email such as Hotmail, there may be parts of the incoming email such as text or images in the signature that Hotmail flags as valid attachments. They will show in the drawer that they came in as attachments to an email but you may not be able to open, preview or export them. It is likely they have file types as "Image" or as "Other" and have names such as ATT00010 or IMAGE005.

There is not much that FYI can do in this instance as the items in the incoming email have been flagged as genuine attachments.

You can determine that the images have come in due to this reason (may be from the context of the email text to check if there are any references to something being sent as an attachment from the client) and you can delete the files.

Staff member who received the email has been deleted and attachments cannot now be accessed

If the email was originally received by a staff member who has now left and the staff record has been removed. When expanding the Attachments section in the email to access the unfiled documents, the following error displays and the attachments cannot be filed:

"Could not find attachment to save
Original message inaccessible due to invalid credentials, please confirm original recipient is authenticated and try again"

If FYI no longer has access to the Microsoft 365 user and the attachments were not already filed, then there is no way to extract them anymore.

As a workaround:

  1. From the email, save the attachment(s) to your computer.
  2. You can then import the attachments as separate documents, using drag and drop or import. Refer to Drag and Drop and Using OneDrive FYI - My Imports to Automatically Import to your In Tray.

If the error was "Failed to verify user", refer to Error "Could not find attachments to save. Failed to verify user identity, please log out and back into FYI before trying again" when filing emails with attachments in Outlook desktop.


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