Updated email editor control
Added disconnect option to Xero Blue Integration
Upload Document Background
Welcome Privacy Copy
Updated Import Layout
Removed the 'Invalid' toggle for check results (just show invalid)
Automation Menu
Updated process add page
Email preview does not render apostrophe character
Incorrect import message when it failed to import the files
Xero Sync is throwing connection timeout errors
Unable to import files with only cabinet followed by category structure
The newly added category does not get recognised in import validation
The subject line of the Send via OneDrive/ Email says "Re:"
Handle error unknown user for subscription
The body of the email is blank in the email preview
Blank email error in logs
UI Handle call to foundry to download email
Change open email to download Email to OneDrive
Search Processes should filter the processes by their name
Process Filters
Move automation menu to Practice Settings
Job dropdown does not appear when a document is created from client workspace
Imported documents does not appear in practice document list
Updated Import Layout
Documents should not be deleted if they are in Edit mode
Process card settings redesigned
Added support for XLS, PPT, DOC
Bulk importer should not re-import document
Changed message on PDF edit screen
Added Process status filter for 'Available'
Changed background of non-active processes
Displayed 'Plan' on Process Index/Table Page
Changed tab name on client workspace from 'Integrations' to 'Integration Apps'
Removed the 'Remove Step' button from aside, add as a column to the table
Email Templates - Subject Line Not Populating
UI issue on the client integration page for the Xero
Drag & drop documents create UI issue in Edge browser
Template category is not getting selected
Clicking on the Create Template button shows error
Create stationery shows error
Forced Logout - FYI and Outlook Online FYI Drawer
Process Activity
Client Processes Page
Activity - Support Process column filter
Activity - Client/Started filtering
Process - quick change step
Error uploading signature for a user
Error uploading signature
Error displaying preview for specific email
Changed 'FYI ā Import' to 'FYI ā Bulk Import'
Highlighted selected activity
Fixed client detail not updating from XPM
Added refresh button to process activity grid
Added refresh button to process grid
Added Client activity tab
The loading bar is displayed when cancelling the action on import configuration tab
Task Message/Details in the Process Aside is not displaying any data
Document grid extra buttons
Process steps re-ordering and removing on change
When deleting a clients email from XPM the deletion is not syncing to FYI clients
Changed 'FYI ā Import' to 'FYI ā Bulk Import'
Enabled Email Sentiment process
Enabled Calendar Modal
Support setting alias on login
No Processes Available
Email Save attachment link
Client View - Group data and Recent Documents
Export popup has UI issue in Edge browser
Long file name creates UI issue for import pane
User edit - Enforce Email Alias to be an email
Downloading document shows activity "Started Editing"
Drag & drop complete folder creates an error in the console
Task status filter in "My Tasks" & "Delegated Tasks" do not work
Different clients are selected in tasks of the client workspace
The page title is missing for the login page after logout
The file structure of import is not getting validated
Template "type" sorting option is not required in Templates list
Default filing details for a client are not being saved
New inbound emails aren't being imported and auto-filed
Filing state not being saved in Client Ledger Reports AutoFile
Updated stripe with active users before payment required
Displayed Close button on process aside
Calendar Enable Modal
XPM sync to process page
Changed our trial period from 14 days to 30 days
If the calendar process is set to active, calendar process card should be filtered and displayed as active
Process run modal
Invalid date as the due date
Delegator is missing on the alerts page
Remove BGL tile from the Automation Dashboard
Send emails should not get flagged as negative sentiment
User edit - Enforce Email Alias to be an email
Change step shows incorrect task status
Creating an Email from 'Templates' list do not open preview in web browser
Opening Document list under Practice takes 14 seconds
New inbound emails aren't being automatically imported and auto-filed
Change step shows incorrect document auto file switch value
Year merge field for Xero Reports is causing a process to error out
Adding a Step is inserting to the top of the list
Merge fields for Xero report
Client Group does not appear to be working in production
Timeout loading import page
Action for My Edits on the dashboard
Removed the need to add "Unallocated Client"
Document Preview - Download button should use process async to show the progress of the download
Changed the name of the tab from "Integration Apps" to "Apps"
Client name import "names accept _ instead of '"
Provided ability to reset a process based off a template
Removed Pun: You can count on us to fix this
Error when trying to save attachments
Regression Test Open methods
An extra bullet appears in the email having "attachment link" tag for hyperlink of file names
Opening a document aside in desktop mode creates a new document activity called "saved"
Creating a task first time for the step in automation does not get saved
Values are not getting saved in Negative Email Alert automation step
Assignee & Delegator column does not sort in Tasks page
Negative email does not get applied to those metadata sets in negative email alert step
Error setting Negative Sentiment Active
Tasks not creating on any process (Negative Sentiment)
Continuous tasks are getting created for the negative email alert automation process
Record file size on document version record
Creating Phone call from Client Record
Remove document to use process async
Process async limit items in the list
Support 'Zipped' document type in user-interface
Graph subscription default last_delta
Correct issue with uploading templates failing due to missing s3 credentials
Deleted task's notification gets into the loop
The system shows error when I send documents which are in edit mode
Existing tasks for the Automation Process Step is not getting updated
Edit button in preview section does not open document in desktop mode by default
Sync stale jobs from XPM
Choice of default for either Desktop or Online with the default Desktop
Jobs - make client column wider
User profile option to select the default method for creating an edit of office documents
Default practice open modes
Set open office user settings to introduce a better system for handling templates and stationery
Error saving a new stationery
Download existing stationery is just loading
Team member automatically flicked back to active
Upgrading Plans
Invalid step index for Email attachments
Provided option to send an email immediately
'Close in ...' popup is displayed for deleting the tasks
Added title bars to the automation modals
Clicking 'update' on the billing page should disable the button until process completed
Restore action shows "Close in 3" popup
Document Change Exception
Notifications - Mark all as Read
Add help tooltip
Notifications tool tip
My Settings -> vertical center text
Tidied up the filter in list view for processes
Support Coupons
Send email attachment is not working