
Client Contacts

The Contacts tab displays the Contacts held for that client in your practice management software.


Add Contacts 3345_Elite_plan_Swish.png 

Practices on the FYI Elite plan where FYI as the Primary Source for Client Data is enabled can create contacts within FYI.

Refer to Creating Client Contacts.

Include in AutoFile

If you have Include Client's Contacts set "On" in your practice's Email AutoFile Settings, AutoFile searches the Client's Contacts to find a match for the Client Name. You can select or deselect a Client Contact as Include in AutoFile. Client Contacts nominated as Include in AutoFile will be considered during the automatic filing of emails. 

If an email is sent to or received from the email address of one of the contacts that is held for a client in your practice management software, this will match on the client when an email is autofiled.  This allows emails to be filed to the client when they are sent or received to/from internal team members, bookkeepers, advisers, etc. Refer to Email AutoFile Settings, Exclusions and Practice Filing Defaults.

On the Client - Contacts list, you can click a Contact to open the drawer and select or deselect Include in Autofile.


If you do not want any of the Contacts to be included in the Autofile, in the Client - Contacts click the Contact to open the drawer and deselect Include in Autofile.

Contact Activity

The Activity section of the Contact drawer displays changes that have been made to the client, including when the contact was created, the initial values, and any changes that have been made since.

If a contact is deleted, an entry will be added to the Client - Activity tab. Refer to Client Activity.


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