- The Health tab in My Settings has been renamed to Status. Two separate columns now show with the Status or Value as relevant for the type of dependency or configuration. For a Value, this displays an exclamation mark icon which should show as green to indicate it is correctly set. Refer to Individual Settings.
Resolved Issues
- Corrected error in Bulk Update where client could not be left blank.
- Deleted cabinets no longer display in the User Groups list.
- The Read function is no longer enabled for unrecognised document types.
- Clients that end with the full stop (for example, Misc Company Pty. Ltd.) can now be used.
- In User Groups, you can hover over the Cabinets in the list to display a tool tip with the full list of the Cabinets that users in a User Group can access. Refer to Managing User Groups.
- In the Job drawer, the Process History section now includes the Show more link to show additional history. Refer to Using the Job Drawer.
Resolved Issues
- Tasks in Notifications can now be opened when clicked.
- When entering Keywords, you can now press the Enter key to accept the Keyword entered, or press Esc to cancel. Refer to Using Keywords.
Resolved Issues
- Corrected issues where a document opened from a task did not give the options to Edit, Read or Copy.
- Removed incorrect Task views “Emails - Received” and “Mail Register - Draft”.
- When exporting a document from other than Page 1 of a view, now remains on the same page after the export.
- Corrected error on lists when selecting a Client and filtering by Job Name.
- Preview no longer available for zipped files.
- Adding time from the Add Time button in the drawer for a document now correctly shows the document link.
- In Bulk Update, a message displays in the drawer as a reminder that selections left blank will be left unchanged by Bulk Update. For emails and documents, if relevant for the selected Cabinet and if needed, you can add new Tags from the Bulk Update. Refer to Bulk Update, Bulk Updating of Filing Details, and Clients Bulk Update.
- When adding or editing Cabinets, a check is made if special characters are used in the Cabinet Name. It cannot contain the following special characters / \ " * : < > ? |
Resolved Issues
- Corrected error where keywords were being copied between documents.
- Search in Automation Processes List view is no longer case sensitive.
- In Client Workspace, the Group, Client and Job selectors have been made wider.
- In the Notifications, the subjects of tasks now a hyperlink and opens up the task.
- In the Documents lists, when the Filter Drawer is open and a document is selected, the full tool bar now displays correctly.
- When updating the Job State on a Job from the Summary tab in the Job Workspace, the drop-down no longer displays States that are archived.
- Collaborate is released. In the Client workspace is the Collaborate tab which shows any documents that have been sent to the client via OneDrive (using Share or when a document is attached to an email and sent via OneDrive). From the Client - Collaborate tab you can also share the folder with the client. Refer to Client - Collaborate Tab and Sharing the OneDrive Folder with the Client. The help now has a separate Collaborate category which also includes Co-edit and Comments.
- In the Users list, Role Cabinets can be selected as an additional column. This shows the Cabinets each user can access according to the User Group the user is assigned to. Refer to Managing Users.
- The User Groups list now shows a summary of the settings for each User Group, such as the Cabinets for that group and whether users in the group have access to Templates, Knowledge, Automations or Views. Refer to Managing User Groups.
Emails imported via the FYI - My Imports folder no longer show a draft delivery status or the draft icon. Emails have a Delivery Status of "Imported". Refer to Using OneDrive FYI - My Imports to Automatically Import to your In Tray.
Resolved Issues
- Emails that are sent as attachments are now filed correctly.
- When the subject of an email is changed and then a new email in the thread is received, the changed name is now retained.
- When displaying Automation Processes as a list, processes using a view as the filter now display the view name correctly.
- Speeding up the loading of the Client - Collaborate tab.
- When the subject of the sending email is changed when sending documents for signing, the Imported signed documents are correct threaded back to their original documents.
- When using the Starred button on a list, the list is no longer reloaded.
- In Bulk Update, you can use the Apply to option to update the documents, tasks, jobs, clients that are selected in the list, or all the filtered documents currently displayed. Refer to Bulk Updating of Filing Details.
- When needed, such as when the drawer for a document is open, the Tool Bar now wraps to a new line. Refer to Using the Document Action Tool Bar.
Resolved Issues
- Automation Processes that are scheduled with a day and a period, such as first Monday of Quarter, now trigger correctly.
- Users in a User Group with Administer Automations enabled now have access to add a custom process.
- Change made to an email that is Pending Approval are now correctly retained when sending the email.
- Renamed emails are now correctly threaded to the original email.
- When an incoming email has attachment(s), the name of the email that it is attached to displays in the attachment's drawer. This is now included as a link which you can click to display the email it was filed from. Refer to Filing Email Attachments.
- When an attachment in an outgoing email is filed, the email is now included as a link in the drawer of the attachment which you can click link to display the email it was filed from. Refer to Filing Attachments in Outgoing Emails.
- A new Onboarding option added to the Practice Settings for an FYI Admin. This gives an FYI Admin access to the Onboarding Wizard after the practice has become an active client so they can access all the Onboarding information and processes including the Training links and access to the Book Discovery page. Refer to Practice Settings and Onboarding Wizard.
- When using Bulk Update, the Apply to option allows you to apply the updates to either the selected emails/documents/tasks/jobs, or to those that are currently filtered in the list. This allows you to update documents/emails/tasks/jobs without having to first select them with the checkboxes. At least one document/email/task/job must be selected in a list before the Bulk Update button is enabled.
- Process History section added to the Job drawer. Where a process has been executed from the job workspace (in the Process tab) or when using a Job filter in a Custom Process, a record of the process displays in the Process History section of the Job drawer. Refer to Using the Job Drawer.
Resolved Issues
- In Automations - Custom Processes, a message "Deleting this process will break this link. Would you like to continue?" displays if you delete a step that is used in "Execute Process" in another step in the automation.
- In Automations, when creating an email with an attachment of a Word document and selecting Attachments as PDF, the attachment now correctly converts to PDF.
- Correction of duplicate clients that sometimes displayed when using the Search in the menu bar at the top of the screen.
- Update to the message that displays if a user is added (in Practice Settings - Users) and a user already exists with the same Email or Email Alias.
- Archived clients belonging to a group are now not included when using the Search in the menu bar at the top of the screen.
- Administer Views option added to User Groups. When the User Group is set with Administer Views access "On", users in that Group have access to save or modify views. Refer to Managing User Groups and Saving Changes to the View Layout, Modifying and Deleting Views. Only an FYI Admin can delete views.
Resolved Issues
- In the Automation dashboard, search now finds Custom Processes.
- Advanced Workflow option in Practice Settings is only available if your FYI subscription level is "Pro".
- Attachments in incoming emails can now be filed directly from the "draft filed" email in the Attachments section. This allows you to file attachments without having to first file the email. Refer Filing Email Attachments.
- From the Dashboard - My Time you can select Time sheet and click the Open button to open the relevant time sheet in Xero Practice Manager. Refer to Displaying Time Sheets.
- When sending multiple documents for signing with DocuSign not all the signed documents that are dropped back into FYI are now threaded with the signature link. The first document is threaded with web link (using the order of the reference numbers) and all other documents are threaded under the original document that was sent so that all the documents can be searched for and all are visible in lists. Refer to Digital Signatures using DocuSign.
Resolved Issues
- When an email that is Pending Approval is sent, the message in the Activity section correctly shows the Approver name below the message "Status changed from Pending Approval to Approved."
- When adding a task to an Automation process, details are now held correctly if the section is collapsed without having to first move out of a field.
Resolved Issues
- Locking and read only functions according to the Workflow settings are only available if your FYI subscription level is "Pro". For any other subscription level, emails and document will never be set as locked or read only. Refer to Workflow Overview.
- When exporting clients in the Clients list, the correct count now shows.
- When adding Time Sheet in the jobs workspace, the relevant job is now automatically selected.
- For outgoing emails and when AutoFile is Off or when Save Attachments Separately is Off, attachments that are Not Filed in emails show with a check box in the Attachments section in the email. The check box can be used to change the name of the attachment and to file multiple attachments. Refer to Filing Attachments in Outgoing Emails and Email AutoFile Settings, Exclusions and Practice Filing Defaults.
- If an option in a Category is removed, and it has been used as the filing details for any documents, the option will still show in the filing details for those document(s), but it cannot be selected or used as a filter. Refer to Managing Categories.
- When sending a document via OneDrive with the Share feature, if the email has been sent to more than one recipient, either as the To email or as a CC, all recipients be able to open the document via the link. Refer to Sending Documents via OneDrive - Share.
- An Automation Custom Process that is set up using a View, can be filtered on the Created, Modified or Saved date. This is set with the Filter Since Last Run option in Filter and is used to only give the notification about a document once (for example if a document has come back from digital signing). Refer to Custom Processes using Views and Summary Notifications.
- When deleting a Cabinet, if it is assigned to any documents a message displays with the number of documents assigned.
- When an inbound email is received by an FYI user as a 'CC', FYI will send it to the In Tray of both the 'To' recipient and the 'CC' recipient. It can be filed by either the To or the CC recipient. If the CC recipient files it will disappear from the In Tray of the To recipient and displays in the My Recent tab of the To recipient.
- Helvetica has been added to the list of available fonts.
Resolved Issues
- In the Create Email in Automation Processes, restored the ability to add Sender to the email.
- Archived processes in Automation only display when the Archived toggle is enabled.
- Corrected error when forwarding an email with an attachment.
- When multiple documents are sent to DocuSign for signing and are dropped back into FYI, they are threaded under a single document link.
- Attachments added to a Draft in FYI after creating it are now correctly added and sent.
- When an In Tray is shared with another user and when using Filter by Owner, if an email had been sent to both the recipients it is no longer duplicated.
- Addition of Contacts tab in the Client workspace. This displays the Contacts held for that client in Xero Practice Manager. Refer to Client Contacts.
- On the Dashboard - My Jobs, the Client Group and Client are now links that you can click to display the Client workspace for that group or client.
Resolved Issues
- Using Bulk Update on Tasks only changes values that are selected in the update and leaves any other values unchanged.
- Custom fields for job now syncing correctly.
- In Automation Processes, custom fields with special characters work correctly as merge fields.
- Where a client does not have an email address, and the user manually enters a To email, the email is now created correctly.
- Summary Notification now working correctly if partner or manager selected as the trigger.
- Addition of Include Client's Contacts setting in Email AutoFile Settings. When Include Client's Contacts is set "On", AutoFile searches the Client's Contacts to find a match for the Client Name. If an email is sent or received from the email address of one of the Contacts that is held for a client in Xero Practice Manager, this will match on the client when an email is autofiled. This allows emails to be filed to the client when they are sent or received to/from internal team members, bookkeepers, advisers, etc. Refer to Email AutoFile Settings and Exclusions.
If an email is sent to or received from a client Contact that is linked to multiple clients, the clients that the email is shared across will be shown in the In Tray so the relevant client can be selected. Refer to Managing your In Tray.
Resolved Issues
- When using a Mac, the Editor displays correctly creating or drafting an email in FYI.
Resolved Issues
- When an email with attachment(s) is replied to or forwarded and autofiled, the attachments are no longer created as duplicate documents in FYI.
- Displays message if there is an error downloading a document with Export.
- Check is made that a document is attached when sending for Signature.
- When the same user is a manager/partner and also assigned as a user of the Job, the Job now only displays once in My Jobs.